Lot: without a network, will the commune of Frontenac be “cut off from the world” for the European elections?

Lot: without a network, will the commune of Frontenac be “cut off from the world” for the European elections?
Lot: without a network, will the commune of Frontenac be “cut off from the world” for the European elections?

Without network or almost. Since Thursday, May 16, eighteen residents of the town of Frontenac and customers of the telephone operator Orange have found themselves “cut off from the world”. The cause: a tree which, in its fall, damaged three cables along the main road. A “robot” from Orange announced to the mayor of the town, François Beck, that the repair would take place on June 14. We contacted Sébastien Audra, communications manager for the telephone operator. He announced that the troubleshooting began on Tuesday, May 28. Fear for the smooth running of the European elections on Sunday June 9 should therefore gradually fade away.

“The work has started but it will take several days. We have to pull the cables over almost 2 kilometers and redo the welds one by one,” says Sébastien Audra. For now, he estimates that the repair will last five to six days. The work should therefore end on Monday June 3 at the latest. The European election process should therefore not be affected.

On the other hand, for Olivier Duglué, resident of Frontenac, the annoyance still does not fade. “I go to Saint-Pierre-Toirac to make my calls,” he confides. With his wife, they run a lodge in the town. Because of this telephone and internet outage which has lasted for two weeks, he fears not receiving his reservations.

We tried to contact the mayor but, himself impacted by this outage, was unable to answer us.




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