two minors will be tried in October in court

two minors will be tried in October in court
two minors will be tried in October in court

The 15-year-old schoolboy was physically attacked and insulted by two people, shouting ‘dirty Jew’ on Tuesday May 28 in Nonancourt, in Eure. They will be tried in October in juvenile court.

Two minors were placed in police custody this Wednesday, May 29 and will be tried before the children’s court in October, after the attack on a schoolboy who says he was the victim of anti-Semitic insults on Tuesday, May 28 in Nonancourt (Eure) , AFP learned this Friday, May 31, from the prosecution.

“In police custody, one of the two admitted to violence but denied having made anti-Semitic remarks. The second contested the anti-Semitic remarks and admitted at least to having participated in the violence,” the prosecutor told AFP of the Republic of Evreux, Rémi Coutin.

This Tuesday, “a 15-year-old schoolboy was physically attacked and insulted by two individuals, shouting ‘dirty Jew'”, the prefecture indicated in a press release in which it condemned these facts, as well as the damage to four Jewish graves on next day in Evreux.

A third minor, who had filmed the scene with a telephone, was arrested this Thursday. After being held in police custody for a few hours, he received a summons to appear before a delegate of the prosecutor for a measure of criminal reparation, according to the magistrate.

“This third minor confirmed the altercation between the victim and the two others but without hearing any anti-Semitic insults. On the video, we do not hear any anti-Semitic insults either,” added Mr. Coutin.

Remarks related to religion “several times” during the year

During a confrontation, the victim maintained that at least one of the two perpetrators had made these remarks, reported the prosecutor, estimating that “the anti-Semitic coloring of the act” was “not as obvious” than at the start.

“The two perpetrators explained that this altercation followed a first altercation within the college where the victim himself allegedly caused one of the perpetrators to fall,” he continued.

The victim, of Jewish faith and who had been given a four-day incapacity for work, explained that he had been subjected to comments linked to his religion “several times” during the school year. The two alleged perpetrators were presented to a children’s judge on Thursday.

The prosecution charged them with an offense of “aggravated violence in three circumstances: the meeting, the fact that it occurred near a school and then due to the victim’s true or supposed membership of a race or religion.

While awaiting their hearing before a children’s court in October, one of the teenagers is the subject of a provisional judicial educational measure.

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