TESTIMONY. “It’s my dream that collapsed”, dry rot, this invasive fungus which is ruining the life of Marine in Vendée

TESTIMONY. “It’s my dream that collapsed”, dry rot, this invasive fungus which is ruining the life of Marine in Vendée
TESTIMONY. “It’s my dream that collapsed”, dry rot, this invasive fungus which is ruining the life of Marine in Vendée
Published on 05/31/2024 at 06:00 a.m.

Written by Vincent Calcagni

It is called “wood cancer”. Dry rot is an invasive fungus, which settles discreetly behind the walls and under the ceilings of a house. It gradually nibbles away all the woodwork. A Vendée woman has been paying the price for a year. An association comes to his aid.

It’s a mushroom whose name probably doesn’t mean anything to you: a microscopic fungus that looks like a spider web or yellowish moss.

But don’t be fooled : vsis a house-eating monster.


close-up of a rot spot in an infested house in December 2023


When we lift look, look at the mushrooms how far they go” notes, dismayed, the father of the owner of this house located in Moutiers-les-Mauxfaits in Vendée.

Eaten foundations, destroyed soil and uninhabitable housing.

Marine Grosjean can only see the impressive damage caused by this tiny parasite.

In March 2023, the young woman bought this house in the town located south of La Roche-sur-Yon.

A crush, which quickly turns into a nightmare.

She discovers that her floor is infested with a fungus which attacks lumber.


Terribly devastating, dry rot is very difficult to combat, a real disaster when it attacks your home.

The mezzanine is inaccessible, the bedroom is in the same condition as the living room” explains Marine.

In fact, I was clearly sold a dream for a house in this condition.

Marine Grosjean

House owner

Marine files a complaint for hidden defect.

But, to eradicate the fungus, she must redo all the floors, or even completely tear down the house.

It was my project, my dream, that collapsed” analyzes the young owner with bitterness.

We’re trying to invest in a house at 30. Now I’m 31 soon and it’s unimaginable. We always think it only happens to other people but in fact it happens to everyone.

Marine Grosjean

House owner

From now on, his case is in the hands of justice.

Supported by her family, Marine also receives the support of Frédéric Rouchard.

This Vendéen was affected a few years ago by wood fungus,Since then, he has come to the aid of victims.

His association follows dozens of cases throughout France.

She warns of the lack of support for disaster victims.

Thus, in Vendée, there is no prefectural decree concerning the damage caused by this wood-eating fungus mdespite the classification of the department in areas where between 50% and 75% of municipalities are infested by dry rot (Source: classification carried out in January 2020 by the FCBA technological institute)

When we are confronted with this fungus, it is always the same feeling that emerges: that of abandonment. ” Frédérick Fouchard, president of the association helping victims of dry rot and wood-eating mushrooms.

Abandoned by his insurance company since no company covers this loss, abandoned by the public authorities, finally abandoned by everyone” he analyzes

Today we have people who are in great distress.

Frédérick Fouchard

President of the association helping victims of dry rot and wood-eating mushrooms

Objectives of the association: to have this invasion legally recognized by insurance companies.

And require the diagnosis of wood-eating fungi during sales of real estate.

In the meantime, here is a useful link to a web page from the Ministry of Ecology which details the means of combating this parasite and references to the text of town planning laws in the event of contamination.

The report by Louise-Anne Delaune and Damien Raveleau

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