The State of Senegal ready to support literary actors in promoting books

The State of Senegal ready to support literary actors in promoting books
The State of Senegal ready to support literary actors in promoting books
The opening ceremony of the Dakar International Literature Festival (FILID) took place this Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Under the leadership of the representative of the Minister of Culture and Sports, the technical advisor to the Prime Minister and numerous guests, the inaugural lesson was delivered by Coudy Kane, professor at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar. At the start of her remarks, the latter thanked the initiator of this program and the authorities who came to attend this event which is of capital importance. In an in-depth reflection, she returned to the theme “the book, memory of civilizations” which is a center of interest that is linked to current events.

The professor thus proposed some ideas for the development of the book.
Speaking under the control of the Minister of Culture and Sports, Dr. Salif Diédhiou expressed his joy at having represented Minister Khady Diène Gaye and the Secretary of State for Culture, Mr. Bacary Sarr for the official start of the third edition of FILID. .Without forgetting to thank the professors and personalities (writers, editors, researchers, poets, directors, heads of ambassadorial departments, etc.).

According to the technical advisor to the prime minister’s office, it is necessary to work together for an environment conducive to the development of literature to preserve literary heritage. To this end, he reassured literary actors of the support of the new authorities in their favor, because “the State of Senegal especially wants the book to play its role as an industrial product allowing authors to make a living from their art and to all the book chain to benefit from the repercussions of the development of books and reading”.

In the same vein, the Department of Youth, Sports and Culture observes with interest the implementation of private projects aimed at extending and amplifying State intervention through the multiplication of fairs and exhibitions, festivals or literary prizes. According to him, “The Minister of Culture would be delighted to include the Dakar International Literature Festival as a platform included in the national cultural agenda.”
He thus expressed his gratitude to the initiator before reaffirming the support of the responsible minister for the success of this activity.




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