Death at Chicoutimi hospital: the Council for the Protection of Patients denounces vagueness

The Council for the Protection of Patients believes that questions remain unanswered in the tragic story of Carl Marceau, the patient who allegedly took his own life last Friday by jumping from the fourth floor of the Chicoutimi hospital. The organization suggests that the family file a complaint.

The way to know if the work was done well is to file a complaint against the psychiatrist with the establishment’s medical examiner.argues the president of the entity defending the rights of users of the health network, Paul Brunet.

He will, in a second look, study what was done and whether the actions or the conclusion of the psychiatrist were adequate, taking into account the available elements or the elements at the doctor’s disposal.he explains.


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Paul Brunet, president of the Council for the Protection of the Sick. (Archive photo)

Photo: Radio-Canada

Before his death, Carl Marceau, a resident of Chicoutimi-Nord who had been receiving care for several weeks in the geriatrics department, allegedly confided to his partner that he wanted to end his life. Faced with this call for help, his family would have alerted the hospital staff.

However, a psychiatrist at the health establishment concluded that the life of the patient suffering from early Alzheimer’s was not in danger, said his daughter, Diane Marceau, in an interview with Radio-Canada on Monday.

What did the psychiatrist conclude? Did he have all the elements? Had he read the file? Had he received testimonies from the family? asks Paul Brunet.

If there’s one place we should be safe, it’s in the hospital.

A quote from Paul Brunet, president of the Council for the Protection of the Sick

Diane Marceau has already mentioned her intention to file a complaint with the CIUSSS regional and to examine its legal options. She questions the psychiatrist’s diagnosis and denounces a lack of care and supervision.


The Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Complaint Assistance and Support Center guides patients, but also families who, like that of Carl Marceau, consider themselves victims of failings in a Quebec health establishment.

We take the time to sit down with people to sort out the options available to them.underlines Josey Lacognata, president of the organization mandated by the Ministry of Health.

Losing a loved one in a hospitalization sequence is the worst tragedy for a family because, deep down, the person was sick, we trusted and what we didn’t want to happen happened. . When this emotional charge is there, it is certain that the aspect of being accompanied can have added valuehe continues.


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The director of the Complaint Assistance and Support Center, Josey Lacognata.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Claude Bouchard

Mr. Lacognata notes that relatives demanding compensation can take legal action and those wishing to shed light on the treatments have the option of demanding accountability from the CIUSSS or to a professional order.

For his part, Paul Brunet believes that stories that go wrong are common.

It is not normal that with what we pay in taxes, we still have this type of cases which are numerous despite everything. Families are right to complain and I understand the dismay of these peoplehe argues.

According to a report by Claude Bouchard

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