Nicolas Sarkozy expected in Cantal

Nicolas Sarkozy expected in Cantal
Nicolas Sarkozy expected in Cantal


Nicolas Gastal

Published on

May 23, 2024 at 4:40 p.m.

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On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the disappearance of Georges Pompidou (born in 1911 in Montboudif, died in 1974), the Departmental Council wanted to pay tribute to theformer President of the Republic.

This is how a conference is held for two days (May 23 and 24) at the Congress Center ofAurillac. Several aspects of the life of the former President of the Republic are discussed.

A “happy” France

This Thursday, May 23, 2024, after the introductory speech of Bruno Faurepresident of the Department, it is Laurent Wauquiez, president of the Region, who spoke. He insisted on the memory left by Pompidou: “that of a happy France, sure of herself. He achieved great things, we must draw a Source of inspiration from that time.”

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Without forgetting that he was a man who loved his native country, that he was a man of letters. “Who demonstrated lucidity in important moments. He wanted to free the country, for France to be a great industrial nation.”

A round table on Pompidou: an economic, industrial and ecological vision followed with Nicolas Baverez (essayist), Olivier Marleix (President of the Les Républicains group in the National Assembly), Eric Bussiere (professor at the Sorbonne), Peter Todorov (former senior civil servant) and Pierre Sabatier (economist).

Speech by Nicolas Sarkozy

A second round table on Pompidou and the institutions took place with Pascal Perrineau (political scientist) and Eric Roussel (journalist, historian).

The next day, Friday May 24, Nicolas Sarkozy will give a speech. The former President of the Republic has already come to Cantal. He was then in office and he went to Montboudif on July 5, 2011 to pay tribute to Georges Pompidou, for the hundredth anniversary of his birth.

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Earlier, in the morning, a round table on Pompidou and diplomacy will take place with Michel Barnier, Jeremy Gallon (teacher at Sciences Po) and Renaud Girard (journalist and essayist).

Then a reflection on Pompidou and nature will take place before tackling Pompidou and culture.

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