In this Morbihan club, women have their place

In this Morbihan club, women have their place
In this Morbihan football club, women have their place


Céline Ravaudet

Published on

Oct. 19, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

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It was at the wheel of the Saint-Co minibus that Delphine Le Garnec arrives in the parking lot. The one who has just made her entry as an elected official Morbihan district is a very active volunteer with locminois football club.

When she leaves work (she is an accountant in Pontivy), she picks up young people “to take them to training. Retired volunteers also go looking for some in . » An hour later, it is one of her sons that she has to find. We quickly understand that the stadium is a place where the Le Garnec family spends a lot of time!

“It all started when Evann (14 years old) and Mewenn (11 years old) signed their first licenses. » Since then, the parents have organized themselves so that the boys practice their favorite sport diligently. Driving them to training, being present during matches, it’s something that goes without saying: “and if we’re absent one day, we’re lucky that grandpa and grandma will take over. »

Football is a family passion. “I was born in it! I grew up in Moréac where my dad was very involved. And I always liked playing ball with my brother,” says Delphine, who therefore preferred football to any other sporting discipline. “I had the chance to go play in Vannes with a friend, Emilie, whose parents could drive us to training. Later, I played in Pontivy. I stopped at 26. »

Having become a mother, her “career” was a priori over. Until Malvina, an employee of Saint-Co, decided to set up a senior women’s team “in anticipation of next year, since we have several young people who will become seniors. » To build this team, she needed players, so Delphine, 42, decided to sign! “It’s hard,” she admits. Especially cardio and speed. If there are enough of them, I told them that I would like to stay at home…”

“Do not take the place of men”

Delphine Le Garnec has also found her place at Saint-Co as a volunteer, and even a member of the board of directors since she is assistant treasurer. He likes it a lot.

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We are fortunate to have more than a hundred volunteers. Everyone has their place and it remains a family club.

Delphine Le Garnec

Some people particularly carry these values. Delphine thinks, among others, of Jean-Pierre Lorgeoux (who died suddenly last July) “and without whom I am not sure that I would have gone this far. It was he who made me integrate the diversity plan within the Football District to integrate women into footballand show that we are not here to take the place of men but to make our place. »

The District is becoming more feminine

It was also he who convinced her to officially join the Morbihan Football District team. She was elected during the last elections (on August 31), in the team of President Lionel Dagorne. “My goal is not necessarily to take responsibility, but to learn to know the regulations better, and to see something other than the world of gaming” explains the Locminoise who is part of the mixed volunteering and events commissions.

She is also a referent for the Locminé sector (which represents 14 clubs). Two other women sit on the steering committee: “There are more and more of us in the clubs, which is very good because football has also become a women’s sport. »

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