Lamborghini refuses to go all-electric: here’s why

Electric car news

In the fast-paced world of automobiles, where the race for electrification is in full swing, Lamborghini is an exception. The bull brand, known for its roaring cars and super-powerful engines, seems to be taking a more measured approach to the electric revolution. Let’s dive behind the scenes of this strategy that could well redefine the future of supercars.

Hybridization as a springboard to the future

Lamborghini recently expanded its range with three hybrid models: the Revuelto, Temerario and Urus SE. These vehicles represent an intelligent compromise between tradition and innovation. They keep the combustion engines of large displacement which have made the brand famous, while associating them with cutting-edge electrical technologies.

This hybrid approach is not just a fad. Rouven Mohr, technical director of Lamborghini, affirms with conviction that these models can support the brand during the next decade. It’s a bold bet at a time when many manufacturers are rushing towards all-electric.

The market is not yet ready for a 100% electric Lamborghini

Unlike some of its competitors, Lamborghini believes the time is not yet right to launch a fully electric supercar. Mohr explains this position by highlighting the difficulties encountered by other manufacturers:

  • Several electric cars launched on the market have not met with the expected success
  • The electric supercar segment is not yet mature

This caution is all the more understandable as Lamborghini’s DNA is deeply rooted in the sensory experience offered by its thermal engines. THE characteristic whirring soundvibrations, and the sensation of raw power are essential elements of the Lamborghini experience that electric vehicles still struggle to reproduce.

A gradual transition to electric

Despite this apparent reluctance, Lamborghini is not ignoring market developments. The brand plans to launch its first fully electric vehicle in 2028. This model, inspired by the Lanzador concept, will take the form of a 2+2, thus moving away from the traditional supercar segment.

This gradual approach allows Lamborghini to:

  • Develop electrical technology that meets its standards
  • Prepare your customers for this transition
  • Refine your vision of an electric supercar that would retain the essence of the brand

Mohr insists that when Lamborghini goes electric, it won’t be to produce “another standard electric car.” The goal is to create a vehicle that stands out, while remaining true to the brand’s values.

The importance of excitement and differentiation

For Lamborghini, the challenge lies not only in the technological transition, but also in preserving the emotional experience associated with its vehicles. Mohr emphasizes the importance of maintaining the “excitement factor” to which the brand’s customers are accustomed.

This quest for differentiation is crucial in a market where many electric cars are similar in terms of raw performance. Lamborghini seeks to go beyond the simple race for power, by developing unique features that will distinguish its future electric models.

The impact on the supercar industry

Lamborghini’s stance could have significant repercussions for the entire supercar sector. Indeed, if such an iconic brand chooses to take its time to develop an electric supercar, it could:

  • Encourage other manufacturers to adopt a similar approach
  • Driving innovation in hybrid technologies
  • Extending the life of combustion engines in the high-end segment

This strategy could also influence consumer expectations. By maintaining a range of high-performance hybrid vehicles, Lamborghini could help preserve the appeal of thermal engines among enthusiasts, while gradually preparing the ground for a smooth transition to electric.

Lamborghini’s decision not to rush towards all-electric is bold in the current context. It demonstrates a long-term vision that prioritizes customer experience and brand identity rather than chasing trends.

This measured approach could well pay off in the long term. By taking the time to develop electric technology that truly meets the expectations of its customers, Lamborghini is giving itself the means to reinvent the supercar for the electric era, without compromising on the DNA that makes it famous.

You, car enthusiasts, what do you think of this strategy? Is Lamborghini right to take its time, or does it risk being left behind by more daring competitors? The future will tell us, but one thing is certain: the roar of the bull of Sant’Agata Bolognese has not finished thrilling our hearts as lovers of fine mechanics.

Written by Philippe Moureau

Forty-year-old passionate about electric cars. I am interested in the energy transition and the fight against greenhouse gas emissions. I am a true electric car enthusiast and environmental advocate.

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