He knocks down his partner’s lover, a pedophile trapped by a fake account and a sawed-off motorcycle saddle: 7 notable legal stories

He knocks down his partner’s lover, a pedophile trapped by a fake account and a sawed-off motorcycle saddle: 7 notable legal stories
He knocks down his partner’s lover, a pedophile trapped by a fake account and a sawed-off motorcycle saddle: 7 notable legal stories

A young man from Houffalize and his friend are being prosecuted before the Neufchâteau criminal court for willful assault and battery on another man who had just had a relationship with the partner of the first named.

The events take place in Houffalize, in May 2023. A young man working in a factory in the Grand Duchy returns from his night job and finds his partner in bed with another individual! If he manages to stay calm and take his things before leaving home, his partner will ring the bell the next day. In haste, the deceived man allegedly took the bank card of the individual, who threatened to file a complaint.

While he had consumed alcohol during the day during a fishing trip with a friend, the deceived companion will get angry, catch up with the lover, hit him with his car before hitting him on the ground.

He risks 180 hours of community service. His friend 150 hours.

Man pours poison into his mom’s smoothie

At the beginning of February, an email led the police to intervene at the home of an octogenarian from Amay. His granddaughter alerted the police after consulting the email sent to her by her father. In this email, he explained to his daughter that he had prepared a decoction of yew leaves and poured some into the smoothie that the grandmother used to drink. This species of conifer being toxic, the ingestion of such a substance, in high doses, can lead to sudden death by cardio-respiratory arrest.

When the police arrived, fortunately nothing happened, and the granddaughter was able to be reassured by speaking to her grandmother on the phone. The octogenarian had drunk her smoothie but not all of it because she found it had a funny taste.

Depressive and alcoholic, he explained that cohabitation with his mother was not going well.

Quote of the week

What I did is unforgivable. She was the kindest woman in the world

François Lavency confesses

The Assize Court of Walloon Brabant began on Thursday the trial of François Lavency, a Guibertin born in 1999 and prosecuted for having killed Christine Francis, on May 4, 2022 in her house on rue Demi-Lune in Mont-Saint-Guibert.

There was, however, a little surprise Thursday morning. Returning from a short break in the middle of this morning’s reading, the president gave the floor to the fourth juror to explain a small problem.

Reading the list of witnesses called in the coming days to give testimony in court, this man noticed that among these names was someone he knows very well. And for good reason since it’s… his mother! The juror clarified that he was not aware that this had been heard by the police in the context of this case.

On the affair, François Lavency is now clearly confessing. “I was sitting in the chair. Suddenly, I don’t know what came over me. I jumped on her and hit her. I don’t know whyhe indicated. I don’t know what happened in my head. It’s like there was another me, the bad one with the black eyes. I walked past the mirror, I saw my father’s anger. What I did is unforgivable. She was the kindest woman in the world.”

The Attorney General, Benoît Tordoir, requested a favorable measure for a 61-year-old police officer, prosecuted for manslaughter. Before the criminal court of Walloon Brabant, the sixty-year-old was sentenced to 3 months of detention, suspended.

The events took place on June 7, 2019 in the Wavre countryside. The defendant had been called by a farmer for a car stolen and abandoned in the open field. On the road, he saw two individuals coming out of a house and who fled when they saw the combi.

The duo entered a field, just as the officers were about to touch them. The defendant, driver of a vehicle weighing 2.5 tonnes, explained to the Court of Appeal that he had slammed on his brakes but that one or two seconds passed before stopping suddenly. But too late! The fugitive was fatally crushed.

A year ago, the Charleroi public prosecutor’s office received a letter from the French non-profit organization Les Enfants d’Argus. In the letter, the judicial authority learns that Yannick is chatting on the internet with what he thinks is a 12-year-old girl.

Via this denunciation, justice launched an investigation into Yannick and his computer equipment was seized and analyzed. The exploitation is considered “positive” by computer experts, who manage to discover in the suspect’s mobile phone 144 images showing sexual abuse of minors, photos of Yannick’s genitals and 213 videos of the same kind. Sordid.

Another victim is also identified via certain naked photos: Yannick’s own niece. For a year, the minor, aged over five at the time of the events, was raped, groped and used as a “model” for the production, possession and distribution of files by her paternal uncle.

On this August 25, 2023, around 7:30 p.m., the village of Haut-Fays (Daverdisse) is peaceful. A young minor takes advantage of the last light of day to rev up his moped, his girlfriend pressed against him.

He passes and returns several times in front of the home of a 45-year-old man, a convict who recently arrived in the village.

Rightly or wrongly, this man, heavily intoxicated, feels these comings and goings as provocations. He will complain of having heard insults towards him. Exasperated, he grabs a chainsaw, starts it working and stands in the middle of the road to prevent the next passage.

Forced to dismount, the young man saw the man with the chainsaw coming towards him, cutting the saddle of his moped and attacking him, injuring him in the wrist and shoulder.

We explain the rest

The inmate is in deep trouble. Holder of a very solid criminal record with 27 mentions and various convictions, he is being prosecuted for attempted murder while being a repeat offender. He narrowly escaped the Assize Court and risks a sentence of up to 20 years in prison. On June 3, 2023, shortly before midnight, a couple from Izel spent the evening at the “La Gaumaise” café-brasserie in Florenville. A fairly tipsy forty-year-old tries to annoy them. The two men insult each other to such an extent that the fight seeker says “Come outside, we’ll talk.”

Things finally calmed down, the nuisance having left the scene. The couple leaves the establishment and returns home by car taking the road to Izel, when they have to brake suddenly to avoid a man standing in the middle of the road. Man who is none other than the coffee seeker. Getting out of his car, the driver pushes the man towards the side of the road.

However, he does not have time to react when the defendant takes a switchblade knife from his pants and plants it in the abdomen of his victim. Taken to hospital, the driver, father of nine children, will require emergency surgery. His vital prognosis was in jeopardy.



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