the president of the University of sentenced

the president of the University of sentenced
the president of the University of Reunion sentenced

Frédéric Miranville, president of the University of “was guilty of acts constituting moral harassment” against the former Director General of Services (DGS) and the former Director of Human Resources (HRD). This is what the National Council for Higher Education and Research (Cneser) estimated, ruling on disciplinary matters.

The decision points “the seriousness of the faults committed”, but don’t hold back “proven malicious intent” from Mr. Miranville. The Cneser further specifies that it took into account the “specific context of the University of Réunion” – and “climate of tensions, divisions and particularly numerous and intense conflicts fueled in particular by its island environment”. A context which existed before the election of Frédéric Miranville, it is specified. This sanction is at the fifth level on a scale of severity which has seven stages, the last being revocation.

Concerning the facts denounced by the former HR director, the Cneser, notes, in his decision which we were able to consult, “repeated actions” of the president of the university, who “could ignore the growing unease” of the complainant, which had the effect “a deterioration of working conditions which, the leastviolated his dignity.

Regarding the DGS, the Cneser notes difficulties in the exercise of its missions and “deterioration of his working conditions” with the “maintaining high pressure” and “marks of distrust”. The National Council also emphasizes that “the mode of animation and governance” of Mr. Miranville was marked by “excessive centralization of powers”, “a strong demand for loyalty”, “constant intervention in management actions and the maintenance of confusion between one’s person and one’s function”.

Frédéric Miranville contests his conviction and believes he was the object of a “political cabal”. | FACEBOOK, FRÉDériC MIRANVILLE.
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Frédéric Miranville contests his conviction and believes he was the object of a “political cabal”. | FACEBOOK, FRÉDériC MIRANVILLE.

“I reject the image of a harassing president”

Contacted by telephone, Frédéric Miranville disputes the alleged acts of moral harassment, deploring that “the Cneser does not proclaim [s]on innocence ». He would also like to recall that at the start of the procedure, he was accused of having installed, with the help of several collaborators “a system of institutionalized moral harassment”. “I maintain that there was a desire to sideline me, affirms Mr. Miranville, targeting his main opponent who “ has continued to mobilize its support, its networks for this.” The suspended president has repeatedly denounced “political cabal” aiming at him.

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In a press release published on October 17, the president of the university added that “This decision is mainly based on the sending of call-to-order emails to two former senior executives who demonstrated professional inadequacies and not on intentional acts of harassment. I regret not having better perceived their distress. » Before insisting: “I categorically reject the image of a harassing president despite the media coverage which may have given this impression. » Son avocat, Me Philippe Creissen, believes that the CNESER procedure was inadmissible”, and criticizes a judgment that does not hold water. We can’t blame him for being a little stiff in emails with a subordinate who made mistakes.” observe Me Creissen, indicating that Mr. Miranville is considering an appeal to the Council of State.”

“Clearly illegal orders”

This disciplinary procedure was initiated in October 2023 following a report from the General Inspectorate of Education, Sport and Research (IGESR) mentioning that “ acts that could constitute moral harassment were committed by Mr. Miranville,” following an alert launched by seven signatories. Minister Sylvie Retailleau had also made a report to the Saint-Denis public prosecutor’s office, which opened a preliminary investigation. However, the DGS and HR had already filed a complaint in January 2020 targeting Mr. Miranville for the same facts, without the judicial investigation moving forward. In a twenty-one page document, the first complainant explained that her “descent into hell” had found its origin in his refusal to obey “to manifestly illegal orders” relating to expenses, markets “without competition”, “desires to grant bonuses to agents who could not have them”, of the anomalies in competitions and unclear hiring.”

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Although it suspended Mr. Miranville from teaching and research, the Cneser did not comment on his functions as president of the university, with a mandate which runs until May 2025. In its decision, this body disciplinary officer writes that he It is up to the competent authorities to draw the consequences.” In March 2024, following the rejection of the university’s budget by its board of directors, the rector of La Réunion appointed Jacques Comby, professor at Jean Moulin 3 University, as provisional administrator of the University of La Réunion , with the mission of restoring the financial balance of the establishment and organizing elections there by the end of 2024.



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