Isseu Dior Sall, an emblematic figure, bows out

Isseu Dior Sall, an emblematic figure, bows out
Isseu Dior Sall, an emblematic figure, bows out

It was within Sud FM, a station which played a pioneering role in the Senegalese audiovisual landscape that Isseu Dior Sall began to make his mark. She built her reputation there by covering current issues with rigor, while committing to the promotion of press freedom. Her time at Mbour FM, of which she was the director, allowed the radio to become a key player in local news, particularly in the Thiès region.

A unanimous tribute from the media community

The news of his death sparked a wave of emotion among his colleagues and consumers. Testimonies poured in to salute his remarkable contribution to independent journalism. “A woman of principles and a valuable voice of the Senegalese press,” declare some colleagues, recalling her role in the training of young journalists and the promotion of professional ethical values.

A void that will be significant for those close to him

According to testimonies, Isseu Dior Sall has distinguished itself by its ability to combine rigor and humanism in its profession, thus becoming a reference for several generations of journalists. The loss of this inspiring figure certainly leaves a void in the media world, but his legacy will continue to guide those who pursue the mission of independent reporting.

The entire profession, as well as many personalities from civil society, expressed their condolences to the family of the deceased and the Mbour FM teams. The disappearance of Issa Dior Sall reminds us of the importance of preserving the integrity of the press, like what she embodied throughout her career.

To his family, parents and loved ones, Leral Group expresses its deep compassion and condolences. By the Grace of GOD, may Firdawsi, paradise, be his new home!




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