Oldest municipal president in the country, Edwin Zeiter leaves office after 48 years of service – rts.ch

Oldest municipal president in the country, Edwin Zeiter leaves office after 48 years of service – rts.ch
Oldest municipal president in the country, Edwin Zeiter leaves office after 48 years of service – rts.ch

The president of the municipality of Bister (VS) Edwin Zeiter is preparing to leave his post on Sunday during the municipal elections in which he will not run again, after 48 years of service. He is the longest-serving municipal president in Switzerland, despite a paltry salary and the time devoted.

For 48 years, Edwin Zeiter has spent his days between his meadows and the municipal office of the village of 38 inhabitants. The first function of this 75-year-old from Haut-Valais is to be a farmer. He has an organic farm where he cares for around a hundred goats.

“These are very intense days, from morning to evening,” he comments on the 7:30 p.m. microphone Friday evening.

250 francs per year

And this, with a minimal salary. “In 1964, my predecessor had an annual salary of 250 francs. And now, in 2024, my annual salary is 250 francs!”

But despite everything, the president always gave his all, assures his wife Ruth. “He was always there for everyone. He ran the village like his own family.”

Artist too

Among his different hats, Edwin is also an artist. He paints landscapes, but also the details of old houses in his region. For him, everything can be art.

“When you look at a lock on a door, it’s just a little metal plate. But it’s done artfully,” he says.

Julien Guillaume/juma




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