Quebec orders an investigation into 11 teachers at a Montreal elementary school

Quebec orders an investigation into 11 teachers at a Montreal elementary school
Quebec orders an investigation into 11 teachers at a Montreal elementary school

The Minister of Education, Bernard Drainville, orders an investigation into a group of 11 teachers at Bedford elementary school, in the Côte-des-Neiges borough of Montreal, who created a toxic climate of fear and intimidation within the establishment, according to a report submitted to the minister.

It is a series of reports broadcast in 2023 on the airwaves of 98.5 FM and the Cogeco group reporting the presence of a climate of fear and intimidation at the Bedford school which had prompted the Ministry of Education to look into these allegations.

However, in the investigation report submitted to the minister, the authors confirm the existence of this toxic climate and raise significant concerns with regard to this clan among the teachers of the establishment who, so to speak, made rain and shine there.

The investigation report reveals disturbing facts concerning actions and behaviors that raise concerns about the physical and psychological safety of studentswrites the Ministry of Education.

Investigators noted the presence of a climate of fear and intimidation established by a “dominant clan”.

A quote from Extract from a press release from the Ministry of Education

This group of teachers is particularly accused of having resorted to intimidation and humiliation techniques, as well as physical and psychological violence against certain students and staff members. They are also accused of acts of insubordination and incivility.

Some teachers did not recognize the existence of learning disabilities and put undue pressure on struggling youth, who received punishments for their inability to keep up with other students.

Access to classes is refused or dissuaded, which makes certain monitoring or observations of students with special needs impossible.

Some teachers believe that they will be able to counter the difficulties of certain students through discipline and excessive exercise. They act thinking of “breaking” the student and getting him back on the right path.

A quote from Extract from the report submitted to Minister Bernard Drainville

Subjects little or not taught

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Bedford elementary school is located in the Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce borough, in Montreal.

Photo : Radio-Canada / Google

According to investigators, the clan dominantwhich was mainly composed of teachers of North African origin, taught little or no subjects relating to oral communication, science and technology, ethics and religious culture as well as education in sexuality.

Some of these teachers are also accused of having interfered in the school governance process, in particular by assuming responsibilities that fall under the management of the establishment and the governing council.

The investigators specify, however, that another group of teachers, who opposed this clan, also included teachers of North African origin. It would be wrong to conclude that an individual of North African origin, teaching at the Bedford school, is necessarily associated with the dominant clanwarn the authors of the report.

This opposition between dominant clan and minority clan was an opposition of an ideological nature, an opposition of vision of education.

A quote from Bernard Drainville, Minister of Education

In terms of interference, we deplore the use of clan using non-union means to put pressure on the management of the establishment.

The report refers in particular to an event that occurred in December 2021, when a disciplinary measure had been handed over in response to actions of insubordination and attitude problems relating to the means put in place to remedy the climate situation at school.

In reaction to this disciplinary measure, a delegation made up of 11 teachers, according to the estimate of witnesses, gathered around the school director to read him a letter requesting the withdrawal of this disciplinary measure. Not only does this request constitute an attempt to interfere in a disciplinary process, but also an attempt to intimidaterelates the document of nearly 90 pages.

Faced with such an observation, the Ministry of Education announces four measures, including the sending of two accompanists of ministry at Bedford School. Their mandate will consist of submitting to the government a plan to restore a healthy and safe climate within the institution, ensuring the competence of teachers and resolving problems of interference by teaching staff in the management of the school. .

Investigative committees will have to determine whether the 11 teachers targeted by the investigation have committed serious misconduct or an act derogatory to the honor or dignity of the teaching profession in the exercise of their duties. The latter are liable to lose their teaching certificate.

In an interview on ICI RDI, the Minister of Education Bernard Drainville explained that before taking sanctions or imposing suspensions, he must await the results of the investigations relating to the 11 teachers targeted in order to establish the responsibilities of each.

Three other schools targeted

Minister Drainville also announces that audits will also be carried out in three other schools of the Center de services scolaire de Montréal (CSSDM), namely Saint-Pascal-Baylon and Bienville primary schools as well as La Voie secondary school.

These audit mandates were made necessary because additional information relating to issues and problems similar to those reported at the Bedford school came to us following the investigation into the latter.we explain.

Finally, the minister asks the general management of CSSDM to use all the levers at its disposal, including legal levers, so that the governing boards of the schools concerned respect their obligation according to which any decision must be taken in the best interests of students and staff.

The school exists for our students. Their interests and needs must take precedence at all times and in all schools in Quebec. I will not compromise on this. It is clear that this is not the case at Bedford School and that is why we must act and take strong actions to change things.

A quote from Bernard Drainville, Minister of Education


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