“Education is the key”: interview with two researchers rewarded for their scientific career in

“Education is the key”: interview with two researchers rewarded for their scientific career in
“Education is the key”: interview with two researchers rewarded for their scientific career in Yvelines

Élodie Germani and Gabriela Caballero-Vidal, researchers in higher education establishments in Yvelin, were rewarded by the L’Oréal-UNESCO Foundation on Wednesday October 9. They agreed to look back on their experience and discuss the Department’s desire to support higher education

Élodie Germani (left) and Gabriela Caballero-Vidal (right). ©L’Oréal Foundation – Richard Pak

We are in 2024… And the place of women in science is progressing too slowly. According to UNESCO, they represent 29% of researchers in compared to 33% worldwide. In the field of research, the gap persists: only 14% of high academic positions are occupied by women in Europe.

Two young researchers enrolled in Yvelinois higher education establishments, Élodie Germani and Gabriela Caballero-Vidal, were awarded the L’Oréal-UNESCO Young Talents France Prize. A program which has distinguished more than 4,000 young women scientists.

This is the case of Élodie Germani, doctoral student in Artificial Intelligence, whose research will make it possible to offer doctors methodologies to improve the understanding of imaging. For her part, Gabriela Caballero-Vidal, doctoral student in Ecology, wishes to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to fight mosquitoes, and reduce the risk of disease transmission to humans.

These two women have one thing in common: they carried out part of their studies in . One at the University of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and the other at theNational Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE).

The Department of Yvelines has long been committed to supporting higher education and research establishmentsaimed at strengthening innovation in this sector. It has made ambitious investments, amounting to more than 200 million euros, including the installation of three Mines laboratories in -Satory, the extension of the Ix Campus site in Saint-Germain-en-Laye by through the SEM Yvelines Développement, the IUT of Mantes-la-Jolie or the IEP of Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

In order to maximize the impact of this establishment on the territory and to strengthen public policies, the Department has formalized partnership agreements with the School of Hautes Etudes Commerciales – HEC or Mines Paris.

During an interview on the eve of their award ceremony,The two researchers agreed to talk about their experience and the Department’s commitment to the field of education.

Interview with Élodie Germani and Gabriela Caballero-Vidal

Why did you choose to apply for this award?

Elodie Germani : Thanks to my thesis supervisors, who are very committed to the subject of gender equality. I tried, without hope. I didn’t expect more than that. And finally, in June, I received this famous phone call where I was told that I had been selected. Since then, my life has changed.

Gabriela Caballero-Vidal : Through knowledge and social networks. I was very motivated, because it rewards the research work of several years and highlights my profile and my career. Their commitment to women and Science was also a motivation. And I am honored to have been selected.

What do you think women can bring to science?

EG : Diversity of points of view. This allows us to direct research towards issues that are sometimes underestimated and undertreated, because there are not enough women who are decision-makers in this area.

G.C-V : Women bring different visions. We need this. We’re talking about climate change, energy transition… And it’s essential to have women’s perspectives on these subjects.

Have you encountered any difficulties in your career as a woman?

EG : I sometimes asked myself questions. I said to myself: “Wasn’t I selected just because I’m a woman? “. I have long doubted my legitimacy and my abilities. A sort of imposter syndrome. Some of my classmates have already told me: “That’s crazy, I didn’t think you were smart.”. So this prize allowed me to regain confidence in myself.

G.C-V : I come from South America, a country where there are a lot of difficulties for women, especially in the field of Science. I have experienced sexism and unequal pay during my career. You have to fight, but it’s not a barrier to changing things. And this prize is one of the ways to overcome some of these difficulties.

Why did you choose to study in an Yvelinois higher education establishment?

EG : My father lives in and my mother lived, at the time, near the town of . So studying at UVSQ was initially a geographical choice.

G.C-V : INRAE ​​Versailles is a cutting-edge establishment with quality technologies and researchers, very recognized in France in the field of ecology and insects.

The Yvelines Department supports a key sector, higher education, a real driver of the region’s economic attractiveness. This translates into a very ambitious investment policy for innovation and research. What do you think of these steps?

EG : It’s very positive. It is important to include communities in these projects. This may be funding that will be useful to them in the future. As researchers, we are delighted that communities are interested in our projects.

G.C-V : It is very important to invest. We are training the future generation who will take charge of all the themes, which will perhaps change the world. Education is the key. I am delighted to hear that the Department of Yvelines supports higher education establishments in research and innovation.

What would you say to a young girl who wants to get involved in the field of research?

EG : Don’t get stuck on stereotypes, gender or background. Educate yourself, open yourself to other horizons than those you already know, and try to find the path that best suits your expectations but also your personality.

G.C-V : As a woman, we sometimes believe that we are not made for this. We must sweep away stereotypes, we are capable of doing everything. We must not hesitate, do not be afraid, because the world is ours. But it all also depends on the society.



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