SENEGAL- ENVIRONMENT / Ziguinchor: stars and protective equipment offered to protected area management committees – Senegalese press agency

Ziguinchor, Oct 11 (APS) – The deputy governor of Ziguinchor in charge of administrative affairs, Sidi Guissé Diongue, officially received, Thursday, four speedboats and personal protective equipment offered to the management committees of marine protected areas (MPA) and protected community indigenous heritage areas of Casamance, by the NGO Society for International Cooperation and Development (SOCODEVI).

“I am happy to chair this ceremony of handing over boats and personal protective equipment offered to the management committees of marine protected areas (MPAs) and indigenous and community heritage areas (APAC) by the NGO SOCODEVI, as part of of the implementation of the Natur’ELLES project,” said Mr. Guissé during the reception ceremony.

It took place in the presence of the Representative of the Directorate of Community Marine Areas, the Head of Cooperation of the Canadian Embassy in Dakar, Caroline Albert, the Country Director of SOCODEVI, Dominique Thomas and other personalities and responsible.

“SOCODEVI is an NGO which mainly intervenes in the Ziguinchor region for the protection of marine ecosystems, particularly mangroves, and the economic resilience of communities, especially women,” recalled Sidi Guissé Diongue.

He considered that this ceremony “marvellously illustrates the capital role of the NGO SOCODEVI, in the protection of the environment and the preservation of natural resources and the ecosystem in Casamance”.

The administrative authority welcomed and praised “this logistical support for marine areas and management committees which will undoubtedly be of great use to MPAs”.

“The Natur’ELLES project, financed to the tune of 20 million Canadian dollars, or approximately nine billion CFA francs, aims to adapt to climate change for more than 6,000 women and communities, or nearly 86,000 people living near mangrove ecosystems. of the ten marine protected areas and indigenous community heritage areas of the Saloum Delta and Casamance,” indicated the country director of SOCODEVI, Dominique Thomas.

According to her, “the intervention of this project aims to strengthen inclusive and equitable governance of the natural resources of MPAs and promote model governance for the protection and conservation of ecosystems, for the benefit of vulnerable communities, particularly women”.

“It is within this framework that today we are handing over four speedboats and several personal protective equipment, namely life jackets, protective boots, among others, to the management committees for their important monitoring,” he said. she explained.

She indicated that “this material will facilitate the work of MPA monitoring committees and will ensure better protection and conservation of marine and mangrove ecosystems”.

“SOCODEVI through this initiative would like to shake up the work of all project partners to achieve the objectives of adapting to climate change in coastal communities and improving the living conditions of women and their community,” he said. -she noted.

The Head of Cooperation at the Canadian Embassy, ​​Caroline Albert, underlined that “Canada is proud to approve the Natur’ELLES project which represents a flagship initiative of its international commitment to fight against climate change and the loss of biodiversity”.

“These boats and equipment constitute substantial support to MPA management committees for the development of their ecological surveillance and monitoring activities,” she added.




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