SENEGAL-MIGRATION / Launch of a reflection on the operationality of the national migration policy – Senegalese press agency

Dakar, Oct 10 (APS) – Around forty actors from civil society and state institutions met on Thursday in Dakar to reflect on the governance of migration with the aim of making it operational national migration policy, noted the APS.

This meeting aims to share each other’s experience on migration and promote constructive dialogue for better governance of migration in Senegal and Africa.

”We considered it necessary to launch this debate and continue to lead this framework of consultation between the different actors that are, civil society and state institutions to see how to make the national migration policy operational,” declared, the coordinator of the migration development network (REMIDEV), Aby Sarr Gaye.

“This meeting also allows us to see how to make the link with this project which will be implemented by the State of Senegal,” she added.

According to her, “this initiative will allow them to continue not only to work and consult together, but also to see to what extent they will be able to implement this national migration policy”.

It is also a question of seeing how to improve the governance of migration for the benefit of Senegal, ECOWAS, Africa and the world, she further clarified.

”Migration being a cross-cutting issue, we need all the players, we can all provide solutions, the best answers for the questions that arise and meet the challenges,” the advisor argued for his part. technical information from the Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs, El hadj Abdou Karim Cissé.

The essential question, according to him, “is to see today what are the obstacles that must be faced, to find solutions aimed at meeting all the challenges linked to the free movement of people”.




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