In , a rally to “demand respect for the rights of children in national education”

In , a rally to “demand respect for the rights of children in national education”
In Laval, a rally to “demand respect for the rights of children in national education”

“Let us demand, with the parents of students, an end to this disaster! » November 20 is International Children's Rights Day. For the occasion, the Force Ouvrière union invites a gathering in (Mayenne) to demand “respect for the rights of the child to national education”.

Children “in distress”

At issue, according to the union: children “in distress” registered “automatically in ordinary class due to lack of space in IME (Medical-educational institute) », the lack of AESH (Accompanying students with disabilities)… And Working force to ask “the creation of 170 places in IME/ITEP (Therapeutic, educational and pedagogical institute) for all students waiting for a place, the recruitment of 100 additional AESH”, and “real status and real salary for AESH” or “the recruitment of caregivers and doctors who meet the needs in child psychiatry”.

A call is launched to gather in front of the Labor Exchange (6, rue Souchu-Servinière), at 1 p.m., Wednesday November 20. “We ask that a delegation be received by the prefect. »



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