Early legislative elections: Mame Diarra Fam calls on her activists to vote Pastef

Early legislative elections: Mame Diarra Fam calls on her activists to vote Pastef
Early legislative elections: Mame Diarra Fam calls on her activists to vote Pastef

XALIMANEWS: Defection from the ranks of the Senegalese Democratic Party. Indeed, the former MP, Mame Diarra Fam and the Alternative Future Movement (MAF) decided to set their sights on the PASTEF Les Patriotes list. This decision, welcomed by all those responsible, according to a press release, was taken after numerous consultations with cells of the MAF (Movement Alternative Future), both in Senegal and abroad, as well as with the presidents and general secretaries of the 33 sectors. of the PDS, and the entire office of the PDS section of Guinaw Rails North, we took a position following my letter entitled Dubai Declaration.

“It is our civic duty to encourage and support the new authorities in their desire to restore our dear country, Senegal. Their success will be ours,” declared in a press release, former MP Mame Diarra Fam, who immediately invited her comrades to vote massively for the PASTEF list.

“I invite the members of the Alternative Future Movement, on a national and international scale, as well as the inhabitants of my town Pikine, of my commune Guinaw Rails , and all of my supporters in Senegal and in the diaspora, in particularly in Italy (Southern Europe), to vote massively for the PASTEF list in order to allow the continuation of the country’s recovery plan”, called Mame Diarra Fam, political leader of the Senegalese Democratic Party in Pikine




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