France 2 completed, this Friday, December 20, 2024, the broadcast of season 5 of the series “Astrid and Raphaëlle”. Led by the tandem composed of Sara Mortensen, a high-flying investigator suffering from autism in fiction, and Lola Dewaere, who plays a rough cop, the finale intrigued 4.78 million viewers between 9:07 p.m. and 10:06 p.m., according to Médiamétrie . This represents 24.4% of the public aged four and over and 10.2% of women responsible for purchasing aged under 50 (FRDA-50).
“Astrid and Raphaëlle” confirms its success on France 2 and
On Friday, November 8, the launch bonus and the only evening during which two new episodes were scheduled, the series produced by JLA productions (“The Mysteries of Love”) got off to a flying start, garnering 5.47 million viewers (28.7% of the public) between 9:08 p.m. and 9:57 p.m. then 5.19 million followers (30.5% of the public) between 9:57 p.m. and 10:51 p.m. (14.4% on the FRDA-50 over the entire evening, its record level on this target this season). Next to it, “Star Academy”, with 3 million viewers in the first part, was almost pale on TF1.
Then broadcast at the rate of one episode per week, season 5 then crossed the threshold of 5 million viewers only once: 5.16 million viewers and 27.8% of the public were in front of their screen for the episode 6 of Friday December 6. On D+8, this episode was acclaimed by 1.9 million additional viewers on, bringing its final score to more than 6.7 million viewers.
The other five episodes were in a range oscillating between 4.51 million on November 29 – its lowest level on this indicator – and 4.84 million viewers on December 13. In terms of audience shares, the least advantageous performances – which nevertheless remain interesting for the public channel – were achieved on November 22 (21.9% on 4+) and December 13 (8.3% on FRDA- 50).
Nearly 5 million fans online
Result: on average and in monitoring audiences, “Astrid and Raphaëlle” season 5 brought together 4,89 millions of viewers between November 8 and December 20, 2024, i.e. 25,8% individuals aged 4 years and over and 11,4% FRDA-50s.
Also scheduled for one new episode per week, season 4, at a record level in terms of viewership, has not been beaten. At the end of 2023, it had gathered, on average and in monitoring audiences, 5.16 million followers, or 23.5% of the public and 11.3% of the FRDA-50. As an indication, season 3, broadcast at the rate of 2 new shows per evening, attracted 4.96 million viewers (27.3% of the entire public). As for season 2, it mobilized 4.70 million viewers on average in spring 2021, or 21.0% of the public.
READ ALSO: France Télévisions is filming a crossover of its successful series “Astrid et Raphaëlle” and “Alexandra Ehle”
Finally, let us point out that the broadcast of this season 5 was preceded, on Friday November 1, 2024, by that of the crossover “Astrid, Raphaëlle and Alexandra Ehle”. This 90-minute episode attracted the support of 5.37 million viewers between 9:06 p.m. and 10:34 p.m. that evening, or 28.9% of the public. On D+8, the fiction bringing together the 3 heroines of popular France Télévisions series had gained 1.3 million additional viewers for a total of 6.1 million.