105 cameras and a security brigade in the largest high school in Ile-de-

105 cameras and a security brigade in the largest high school in Ile-de-
105 cameras and a security brigade in the largest high school in Ile-de-France

Valérie Pécresse, president of the Île-de- region, went to the Rosa Parks high school in (Essonne) this Friday. A week earlier, a fight had broken out within the establishment. Two young people were injured after exchanges of punches, kicks, crutches and hammers. In a video recorded on site and relayed on his X account as well as by News Essonne, the elected official announced the installation in the establishment of a regional security brigade (BRS).

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These numbers will be shared with the Talma high school in (Essonne). 105 video surveillance cameras must also be installed on the site of the Montgeron establishment. “The gang fights which broke out recently justify that a regional security brigade should come and set up here in the high school and could be based there from now on to ensure long-term security at the high school,” declared Valérie Pécresse.

The largest high school in the region

Just after the violence, additional personnel were sent to the site by the police and National Education. A BRS had also been mobilized in this high school, the largest in Île-de-France.



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