Leclerc, Carrefour, Intermarché launch an urgent massive product recall throughout , it involves lemons

Leclerc, Carrefour, Intermarché launch an urgent massive product recall throughout , it involves lemons
Leclerc, Carrefour, Intermarché launch an urgent massive product recall throughout France, it involves lemons
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We can never say enough how much product recalls concern all French people. No matter where you shop, it’s your business. From Leclerc to Carrefour via a small organic store, all supermarkets can be found on Rappel Conso.

The latter is the government platform which centralizes all the information you need to know. Since 2019all brands must therefore send it the important data to share. This makes it possible to quickly reach a large number of consumers. In some cases, it is urgent to act quickly, because certain products present health risks.

Leclerc, Carrefour, Intermarché: consumer distrust

If you like limes and you shop at Leclerc or Carrefour, be wary. A product recall concerns lemons that come to us from Brazil. They are available through the Fazenda and Georges Helfer brands.

These products, available throughout the country, contain levels of pesticides that exceed regulatory limits. In this context, Consumers should exercise caution and follow official recommendations.

To have
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Two batches can be found on the Rappel Conso website. The first concerns the Fazenda brand, with the sale of lemons in bulk (4.5 kg). They were available for sale between September 23 and October 8, 2024 in Leclerc stores throughout France.

Then, the second batch concerns the Georges Helfer brand. It includes 500 g fillets, also sold between September 23 and October 8, 2024, in the Leclerc, Carrefour and Intermarché brands. Additionally, all products come from batch BR34280.

Risks to customer health

The recall is the consequence of pesticide levels that exceed legal thresholds in these lemons. Gold, this may present health risks to consumers. Prolonged exposure to high concentrations of pesticides can have adverse health consequences. Indeed, they are the cause of neurological and hormonal disorders, as well as increased risks of cancer.

Although occasional consumption does not seem to pose an immediate danger, the authorities prefer to adopt a preventive approach by advising consumers to avoid all risks.

This is why, if you are shopping at Leclerc, for example, check if you have these lemons at home. If this is the case, they should not be consumed.

To have
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The procedure to follow

Two options are available to you. On the one hand, you can destroy the products. Otherwise, you can return them to Leclerc, Carrefour or Intermarché. Indeed, In the event of recalls, the brands set up a reimbursement system.

However, it is useful to inquire about the information available in store to know the precise conditions reimbursement or exchange.

This lemon recall highlights the importance of vigilance regarding compliance with food standards. If in doubt, it is best to follow the advice of health authorities. Consumers need to be mindful of the products they buy. In Leclerc, as in a small grocery store, the risk is never zero.



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