the waste management report sparked reactions during the Latitude community council

the waste management report sparked reactions during the Latitude community council
the waste management report sparked reactions during the Latitude Nord Gironde community council

During the last session of the Latitude Community of Communes (CCLNG), in addition to their 2023 activity report (read our September 29 edition), elected officials validated several subjects. In particular an agreement established with Sdeeg for the creation of an economic activity zone (ZAE) dedicated to airships in Laruscade. “This agreement concerns the construction and handover of electrical public distribution works for the connection and service of this area,” said Éric Happert, president of the CCLNG.

The council approved the principle of making the intercommunal public domain available for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of a photovoltaic power plant in shade houses in the parking lot of the Philippe-Madrelle college in Marsas.

It also validated the Scot, from which it appears in particular that the elected officials aim to forecast an average annual population growth of 1.3% for the next 20 years, i.e. 775 additional inhabitants per year and 15,500 additional inhabitants. here at twenty years old.

The 2023 activity report of Spanc (Intercommunal non-collective public sanitation service) has been recorded, responsible for controlling individual sanitation installations in areas which are not connected to the collective network. This service serves Civrac, Saint-Savin, Donnac, Laruscade, Saint-Mariens and Saint-Yzan, i.e. 5,402 inhabitants for 12,001 residents. Since the creation of the service, 5,744 installations have been checked with a compliance rate of 51.3% (54.2% in 2022). Nevertheless, Jean-Luc Despériez recalled that “not all defective installations pollute, some only having minor defects”.

The Smicval report

As for the report from Smicval (Intercommunal Union for Waste Collection and Recycling of Libournais Haute-Gironde), it sparked reactions. Frédérique Joint raised that “investment costs have exploded on two items: rolling stock which represents 445,000 euros of investment in 2021, 885,000 euros in 2022 and finally 1.3 million in 2023. The pre-equipment collection had a cost of 503,000 euros in 2021, 618,000 euros in 2022 and 3.2 million in 2023. This report does not reflect the reluctance of the population regarding the acceptability of the reform. Éric Happert replied that users have acclimatized and adapted. Alain Renard, vice-president, for his part clarified, “the report concerns the entire territory, a very large part of which is still in the door-to-door collection system. »



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