The Law Committee of the National Assembly rejects the impeachment procedure against Emmanuel Macron

“Rebellious” deputies during Michel Barnier’s general policy declaration, at the National Assembly, October 1, 2024. JULIEN MUGUET FOR “THE WORLD”

Emmanuel Macron will not be removed from office. The dismissal procedure, brought against him by the elected officials of La insoumise (LFI), was rejected by the Law Committee on Wednesday October 2. At the end of a debate of “very good outfit”with “very in-depth comments”according to the president of the law committee, Florent Boudié (, Renaissance), the deputies overwhelmingly rejected, with 54 votes against and 15 for, the opportunity to constitute themselves in the High Court in order to examine the proposed resolution signed by all the “rebellious” elected officials and by a few elected environmentalists and communists.

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Their grievances crystallize on the refusal of the tenant of the Elysée to appoint Lucie Castets, the candidate of the New Popular Front, to Matignon, while the left-wing coalition came first in the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. Far from confining themselves to legal quibbles, each camp was able to develop its reading of the presidential choice of the dissolution of the National Assembly, on June 9, of the appointment of Michel Barnier to Matignon after a record period of fifty-one days and, more broadly, of the process which led to the choice of a man from a party which rejected the Republican barrier in the second round of the legislative elections and received 5% of the votes.

The rapporteur of the text, the elected environmentalist from Isère Jérémie Iordanoff, estimated “that these political mistakes, given their accumulation and their repercussions, can constitute a breach” presidential duties, but that the lack of parliamentary consensus invalidated the idea of ​​impeachment.

Unprecedented nature of the debate

Failing to see the procedure succeed in view of the political balances of Parliament, the “rebels” include this tactical move in their story of “the agony of the Ve Republic » : “Censoring the government is necessary, but insufficient. The problem is not only at Matignon, it is at the Elysée. And by proposing to dismiss Mr. Macron, we want to resolve this problem by constitutional means”, stated the MP for Essone (LFI) Antoine Léaument, judging this day “historical”.

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The rapporteur insisted on the unprecedented nature of the debate, at the origin of a new jurisprudence of article 68 of the Constitution, which regulates the criminal but also political responsibility of the Head of State since the constitutional revision of 2008. The latter is not politically responsible to Parliament, unlike his government, which can be censored.

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