Guided tours by disabled leaders in Ille-et-Vilaine: “A frustration of

Guided tours by disabled leaders in Ille-et-Vilaine: “A frustration of
Guided tours by disabled leaders in Ille-et-Vilaine: “A frustration of

Listen, ladies and gentlemen, let’s set off to discover the tip of the Garde Guérin, we will gather clues, take on challenges and piece together its puzzle. announces Laetitia Hamon to the twenty participants gathered at the foot of the site, on the Emerald Coast, in Saint-Briac-sur-Mer (Ille-et-Vilaine), Saturday September 28, 2024.

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The privateers are here to help you. She points to the four guides who surround her, recognizable by their red turbans. The tone is set, the walk promises to be fun and interactive. It is hosted by Simon, Oskan, Steve and Jérémy, all four with disabilities, known as invisible, and supervised by the Saint-Lunaire Escale Bretagne association.

“Six found work in an ordinary environment”

Trained for several months to provide two guided tours, they each specialized in a field. I’m going to tell you about the Chape telegraph says Simon. Steve dug into the history of the Great War, and Oskan the paintings of Henri Rivière. We start from their desiresexplains Benoit Le Foulgoc, host of Escale Bretagne, responsible for the project, named Strollad. During a first outing, they say what they like, birds, landscapes or history. We then offer them an educational tool which they develop by sticking to the site as closely as possible. They must learn to convey instructions clearly. We work on written and oral expression and I put them in a situation. For this edition, they chose the nature, artistic and historical side.

The group stops. Jérémy distributes the materials to draw the landscape in the style of Henri Rivière. A little further on, we try to identify the rocks. The public, pleasantly surprised by the richness of the content, appreciates it. Why not disseminate this type of device everywhere? wonders a participant.

This is Oskan’s third year as a guide, and he has gained confidence to speak in front of a group. Now, I am able to put my fear aside, I am more open to others, to the establishment and work support service (are) also, I feel better integrated with my colleagues.

“There is a frustration of stopping there”

Proof of the effectiveness of the device: Six of the accompanied guides found work in an ordinary environment,” says Yoann Le Magadou. After these two visits, what will happen? There is a frustration of stopping therenotes Benoit. Their training should be valued. This year, it was financed by the Department to the tune of €10,000. Why not change their economic model and sell their services a bit like a play, in order to establish them in the region? To date, there are three, Cézembre, Brandefert and the Guérin Guard.



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