Public finances – FR: Fribourg: 2025 budget in balance thanks to major trade-offs

Public finances – FR: Fribourg: 2025 budget in balance thanks to major trade-offs
Public finances – FR: Fribourg: 2025 budget in balance thanks to major trade-offs
The Friborg deputies will consider in November, with debates which promise to be lively, on a 2025 budget whose development by the Council of State required numerous arbitrations (archives).


The State of Friborg has drawn up a 2025 budget presenting a profit of some 700,000 francs and respecting the constitutional principle of balance. Complex, its preparation required numerous arbitrations. A sanitation program is confirmed.

“The growth in costs has been contained thanks to tight prioritization of expenses,” said the President of the Council of State Jean-Pierre Siggen on Wednesday. The big financier also mentioned a targeted increase in new jobs, the renunciation of any indexation of salaries and a staggering in the implementation of certain measures voted by the Grand Council.

The budget still includes a reassessment of tax revenues and an indexation of vehicle tax. The “significant” deterioration of the financial outlook also makes it necessary to draw up a consolidation program.

In view of the challenges, the government has already launched the work and reflections. His ambition is to be able to present this program by next spring.

lp, ats




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