“Let social emergencies be heard! » In Maine-et-, four demonstrations

“Let social emergencies be heard! » In Maine-et-, four demonstrations
“Let social emergencies be heard! » In Maine-et-Loire, four demonstrations

“So that social emergencies are heard!” » This Tuesday 1is October 2024, several unions and youth organizations united in inter-union form (CGT, FSU, Solidaires, Unef and Student Union) are calling for demonstrations and strikes in four towns in Maine-et-: , , and Segré-en -Anjou Blue.

“Immediate stop to all layoffs”

Among the demands displayed: the repeal of the pension law; the increase in pensions and salaries as well as the indexation of the latter to inflation; financial and human resources for public services or, again, “an immediate end to all layoffs, relocation and environmental transformation of our industry.”

More generally, organizations want to make their voices heard, while discussions on the State and Social Security budget are looming in the National Assembly. The demonstrations are scheduled for 2 p.m. in Angers (Place du Ralliement); 10:30 a.m. in Cholet (Place Travot); 10 a.m. in Saumur (place Bilange) and 10 a.m. in Segré (place du Port).



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