SENEGAL-MAURITANIA-HYDROCARBONS / Birame Souley Diop: ”The Senegalese-Mauritanian partnership on energy is a lever of transformation for the entire region” – Senegalese press agency

Dakar, September 30 (APS) – The partnership established by Mauritania and Senegal in the field of energy is “a lever of transformation for the entire West African region,” underlined the Senegalese Minister of Energy , Oil and Mines, Birame Souley Diop, Monday in Dakar.

”This energy partnership based on mutual trust and mutual respect for interests is not only a great opportunity for our respective economies, but also a lever of transformation for the entire region,” underlined Mr. Diop while taking part in the opening of the Senegal-Mauritania Economic Forum (FESM).

It alludes to the desire expressed by Senegal and Mauritania to jointly exploit the oil and gas resources located on either side of their border.

Birame Souley Diop seems to be speaking at the same time about the multilateral cooperation maintained for several decades by Mauritania, Senegal and other West African countries, within the framework of the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River (OMVS).

The OMVS produces electricity based on hydraulic energy, for the benefit of member countries.

”Economic integration at a time of energy transition: contribution of the Senegalese-Mauritanian private sectors” is the theme of the FESM.

Energy is “much more than a simple economic resource”, underlined Birame Souley Diop, believing that it is also an “engine of development, a factor of stability and a tool of social cohesion”.

”The cooperation between Senegal and Mauritania, in the exploitation of gas and oil resources, results from this vision of a shared future, where natural wealth becomes a source of common prosperity and not of rivalry,” said Mr. Diop.

The two countries have decided to exploit these resources in a “responsible and sustainable” way by ensuring that local companies play a “central” role in the energy sector, he said.

Producing and exporting “competitive and sustainable” low-carbon energy

”We have the unique opportunity to build together a strong and inclusive oil, gas and mining sector, which will contribute to economic growth and job creation for our citizens,” assured the Minister of Energy, of Oil and Mines.

The exploitation of hydrocarbons should enable the authorities of the two countries to provide their compatriots with “universal access to energy at an affordable price,” he said.

Birame Souley Diop thinks that the FESM is an ”ideal framework” for the Senegalese private sector and that of Mauritania to support this new oil and gas industry, with the help of their laws and regulations.

”The new energy transition underway at high speed throughout the world poses several major challenges for our developing countries, but it also presents opportunities to be seized,” underlined Mohamed Ould Mohamed Maalainine Ould Khaled, Minister Mauritanian Energy and Oil.

The two countries must exploit their potential in terms of wind, solar and hydraulic energy to produce and export “competitive and sustainable” low-carbon energy, according to Mr. Ould Khaled.

As Senegal has already done, Mauritania is preparing to pass a law dedicated to local content, so that local businesses and labor can actively contribute to the oil and gas industry, a- he said while taking part in the FESM.

According to the Minister of Energy and Oil, the bill already adopted by the government will be examined next October by Mauritanian parliamentarians.




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