Senegal: 184% increase in exports to Mauritania (minister) | APAnews

Senegal: 184% increase in exports to Mauritania (minister) | APAnews
Senegal: 184% increase in exports to Mauritania (minister) | APAnews

Between 2019 and 2023, there is a significant increase in exports from Senegal to Mauritania, said Serigne Guèye Diop, Senegalese Minister of Industry and Commerce, on Monday in Dakar.

« (…) exports from Senegal to Mauritania increased significantly, from 39.7 billion (FCfa-editor’s note) in 2019 to 112.8 billion in 2023, an increase of 184% in relative value. Likewise, Senegalese imports from Mauritania also increased by 37% in relative value, going from 3.3 billion in 2019 to 4.6 billion in 2023. While welcoming this progression, it is however regrettable to note that our trade does not live up to its enormous potential, which is insufficiently exploited by economic operators on both sides. We must therefore work together to improve our bilateral trade, particularly in the context of strengthening intra-African trade notably through the African Continental Free Trade Area (Zlecaf),” said Serigne Guèye Diop.

Speaking at the opening of the 1era edition of the Senegal-Mauritania Economic Forum (FESM), Minister Diop affirmed that the continental market undoubtedly constitutes an opportunity to strengthen commercial integration between the two countries, but also to develop complementary value chains.

“In this perspective, he continued, we must work in synergy for the elimination of existing tariff and non-tariff barriers in commercial relations between the two countries, coordinate the implementation, through the cooperation of our administrations concerned, legal and operational instruments of the Zlecaf, in particular those which facilitate foreign exchange and support the integration of small and medium-sized enterprises into regional and continental value chains.

In his opinion, in addition to trade and the economy, the areas of collaboration between Dakar and Nouakchott relate to diplomacy and regional integration, cooperation in security matters, management of maritime and water resources, particularly within the framework of the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River (OMVS), among others.

“In terms of diplomatic cooperation, relations have been established since the independence of the two countries and our two States collaborate within the regional and international organizations of which they are together members. In other areas, I would like to note, to congratulate myself, some important results including the signing, in January 1971, of a bilateral convention with a view to eliminating double taxation and combating tax evasion, the signing fishing agreements to deal with the scarcity of fishery resources and the promotion of sustainable fishing, the facilitation of the supply of livestock for the celebration of religious festivals, the signing of an agreement relating to the tax regime applicable to companies responsible for executing the Rosso Bridge common contracts, the establishment of a framework to combat cross-border crime as well as the regular holding of meetings of border zone commanders to facilitate coordination and problem solving which could arise in the border area of ​​the two States », Said Serigne Guèye Diop again.

For his part, the Mauritanian Minister of Mines and Industry, Tidjane Thiam insisted on the fishing agreements linking the two countries as well as livestock, with their investment potential for Senegalese businessmen.

« Today, the development of the livestock sector is a development lever on which we must work. With an annual production potential of 180,000 tonnes of red meat, 213,000 tonnes of milk and nearly 5 million pieces of raw hides, investment opportunities open up to our two private sectors », a dit M. Thiam.




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