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Haut-Rhin. A demonstration planned in this Tuesday October 1, 2024

Haut-Rhin. A demonstration planned in this Tuesday October 1, 2024
Haut-Rhin. A demonstration planned in Mulhouse this Tuesday October 1, 2024


Benjamin Forant

Published on

September 30, 2024 at 4:49 p.m.

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At the call of several unions, numerous demonstrations and strikes will take place on Tuesday October 1, 2024.

HAS , The event is planned for 14h, Place de la Bourse.

Wages and pension reform at the heart of the battles

Transport, education, public service… several branches of the unions are calling for demonstrations. This is the case of the CGT Public Service, FSU and of Solidarity Civil Services, which published a joint press release: “The context reinforces the civil service union organizations in their common demands that they have been expressing for years”. The unions expect “responses to the social emergency must be provided without further delay”.

Wages, reform of retirements, improvement of conditions of work for the public service, there are several battles that the unions want to lead.

“Everyone mobilized to defend the Civil Service on October 1st! Attacked from all sides, called into question by the government even though it is an essential link in national cohesion, we must defend the Civil Service and its services, defend its employees for greater recognition! », Adds the FSU on its site.

Videos: currently on Actu

In total, more than 180 manifestations are planned.

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