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Anti-gender lobbies are increasingly powerful in Belgium

A ULB study of which “Le Soir” became aware highlights the way in which anti-gender campaigns have slipped from religious to political to now be embraced by the traditional right and the far right.

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Marine Buisson

Head of the Ideas division

By Marine Buisson

Published on 09/30/2024 at 4:23 p.m.
Reading time: 2 min

IA little over a year ago, at the beginning of September 2023, Belgium woke up with a hangover. Schools vandalized, sometimes set on fire, the discovery of “NO EVRAS” tags, in relation to this system dedicated to education in relational, emotional and sexual life. Demonstrations, acts of vandalism, foreign media interest in the issue made this event the marker of a transformation in Belgium. A marker of the rise in power of anti-gender campaigns, according to a ULB study, including The evening took notice. Directed by David Paternotte, specialist in gender issues at ULB, the study, completed in September 2023, reveals the extent taken by anti-gender lobbies since 2022 and their shift from the religious sphere to the political via the parties of the traditional right and the extreme right.


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