Mental health information week begins soon

Mental health information week begins soon
GARD Mental health information week begins soon

It will take place from October 7 to 20 in Alès, Bagnols-sur-Cèze, Nîmes, Uzès and Le Vigan.

Mental disorders are the largest item of Health Insurance expenditure. The Mental Health Information Weeks (SISM) aim to “destigmatize” mental health and promote a global and decompartmentalized approach to the health and life journeys of the people concerned.

This year, their theme is sport, movement, physical activity, recognized levers of therapeutic strategies in prevention and mental health care: they promote social inclusion, solidarity, expression and self-confidence, but also attention to others.

Photo d’illustration AND

Today, there are few people who do not know a person suffering from depression, a colleague suffering from burnout, a teenager subject to anxiety attacks, a young girl with bulimia or anorexism, an uncle who is struggling with his addictions, young destitute parents faced with the extreme agitations of their little one…

In , as elsewhere in , 20% of social security beneficiaries consume psychotropic drugs, particularly anxiolytics (10.3%). In 2020, 15,532 adults in Gard consulted a private psychiatrist, and nearly 23,000 people aged between 16 and 64 were treated in a general psychiatry service, or 3.7% of the adult population in this range. ‘age.

Less than 20% of these patients enter full hospitalization, the vast majority being followed according to various alternatives, day hospitalization, part-time or outpatient. These data show that everyone is or can be affected by a faltering mind.

Thus, the SISM have inspired numerous initiatives in the Gard taken by patient and family associations, professionals from all sectors, adapted sports clubs and centers, in conjunction with elected officials.

Detailed local programs are available on the following sites: The Alès urban communityThe GEM Cézâme for Bagnols-sur-Sèze, with a request for information to aurorefournet2101(a)gmail.comthe City of NîmesThe community of communes of Pays d’Uzès, Community of communes of Pays Viganais or by email with the Sports Inclusion Support System dais.gard30(a)



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