Botanical Village at the Floral Park on October 5 and 6, 2024

Botanical Village at the Floral Park on October 5 and 6, 2024
Botanical Village at the Paris Floral Park on October 5 and 6, 2024

The Botanical Garden is organizing a Botanical Village at the Paris Floral Park on October 5 and 6, 2024, the objective of which is to bring together partners from the world of botany and horticulture as well as institutions and associations, artists and numerous specialists offering a number of conferences.

This meeting is an exchange platform offering a rich and diverse range of information for a novice, passionate or professional audience. The Botanical Garden Division and the Floral Park have established or renewed many useful contacts for the collections of the four sites of the Paris Botanical Garden.

The themes announce the program

2024 : ‘The Journey of Plants’ with a character in the spotlight Jean-François de Galaup Comte of Lapérouse 1741-1788. This great man set out to travel around the world by boat to complete James Cook’s knowledge, improve maps, study the customs of unknown peoples, bring back new plants… It is a journey through time to remind us that history plants is also a story of Men and Women.

A showcase of the Botanical Garden

The goal is to highlight the work of the different services, with all this diversity linked to the world of botany.

DEVE services (Directorate of Green Spaces and the Environment) represented by:

  • The Botanical Garden Seed Factory and its catalogindex-seed (Catalog of seeds offered worldwide);
  • The DEVE Boutique;
  • The in vitro culture laboratory which made it possible to have 50,000 vitroplants from the Dahlia ‘Parc Floral de Paris’ then multiplied by the Horticultural Production Center of the City of Paris into 50,000 cuttings for decoration for the Olympic Games;
  • Florists and their floral art demonstrations;
  • One of the workhorses of the who works with an ecological aim ISO 14001;
  • The biodiversity expert, responsible for flora & habitat studies;
  • The educational center.

Botanical Village partners

  • CIRAD Center for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research,
  • The Conservatory of Specialized Plant Collections (CCVS),
  • The National Museum of Natural History (MNHN),
  • The Society of Alpine Garden Lovers” (SAJA),
  • Rustica with Pierre Nessmann, sponsor of this edition.


  • Association l’Âge d’Or de (Storytellers)
  • Association of Friends of the Exotic Garden of Monaco (AJEM)
  • Grands Bruyères Arboretum Association
  • Association of Court Auditors of Luxembourg
  • Dionea Association
  • Wildlife Association-Alfort
  • French Association of Begonia Lovers
  • Association Hortesia
  • Association of Parks and Gardens of Île de France (APJIF)
  • Association of Research and Information on Deserts and Succulents (ARIDES)
  • Association Valentin Haüy
  • Committee of Parks and Gardens of France (CPJF)
  • Cultivate your Street
  • Forgotten Fruits (Review)
  • Gardener Seed
  • Hortesia (Agenda of events in the gardens, visits, magazine releases, books)
  • Ikebanao Ikebana French Branch Sogetsu
  • Impatience
  • The Beekeepers of Greater Paris
  • La Garance Voyageuse (Review)
  • The Cradle of the Water Lilies – The Temple Sur Lot
  • Rethever (Green Theater)
  • Society of Alpine Garden and Rock Garden Lovers (SAJA)
  • Francilienne Succulentophile Society (SSF)
  • National Horticultural Society of France (SNHF)
  • All Flowers (Crafts with seeds)


  • Châteaufarine Training Center (Only one to offer gardener-botanist training),
  • Du Breuil School (Landscape Art & Technique) (EDB),
  • The National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) Vigie-Nature,
  • The National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) Paleontology,
  • The Lapérouse Museum ().

Book side

  • Éditions CM Exceptions with Catherine Cormery,
  • Biotope éditions (Editor by Nature).


  • Esper’Arte (vegetable gold jewelry),
  • Au Rucher Synergia,
  • Mondes & Merveilles (Travel Agency),
  • Shoots & Plants.

But also

  • Conferences,
  • Workshops for adults and children,
  • Tales on the theme of plants,
  • Guided tours to discover the park and its collections,
  • Young people are also there, with future graduates of the École du Breuil Art & Technique du Paysage on the outskirts of Paris or other establishments such as that of Besançon through its training as Gardener Botanist.

Guided tours

They allow us to tell the story of the Parc Floral de Paris and present all this living plant heritage with its labeled collections, its themed gardens such as:

  • The Alpine Gardena monumental project which began in 2016, and will open its doors to the public this year,
  • The Path of Evolutionsystematic garden labeled by the CCVS representing the indigenous Flora of Ile de France…
  • The Collection of Bonsaio The collection of Pelargoniumsthe largest in the world,
  • The collection ofHistorical bearded irises of French obtaining from 1840 to 1960, priceless jewel of French knowledge before the war,
  • The Dahlia Conservatory with the Dahlia’Paris Floral Park’,
  • The Pine forest and his collection of Hardy ferns,
  • General tour of Parc.

Labeled collections

It is a botanical and horticultural heritage whose preservation is important, which has cultural value because it is linked to human history. It is also, among other things, a very important work support in genetic research among other things.


To highlight a cultural and heritage place such as ‘le Berceau des Nymphéas’ in Lot & Garonne, located very close to and historically linked to the famous Latour-Marliac Nursery. The botanist Joseph Bory Latour-Marliac obtained the first hybridizations of Water Lilies there, which were planted in the Giverny garden and became world famous by the painter Claude Monet.
The Lapérouse Museum in Albi dedicates a conference to this great explorer. But also scientists, collectors, or simply enthusiasts offering varied subjects linked to botany or wildlife, an essential link for ecological balance. The Conservatory of Specialized Plant Collections (CCVS) which will speak about the corresponding Jesuit missionaries of the National Museum of Natural History. The National Museum of Natural History will discuss some contemporary expeditions and will also be represented by the Paleontology section with fossilized plants.

Saturday October 5, 2024

14h ‘’ The Paris Botanical Garden over time, developments & projects ’’
Paris Botanical Garden
Moderated by Mr. Régis Crisnaire (Conservative)

3pm ‘’ The corresponding Jesuit missionaries of the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) ’’
Conservatory of Specialized Plant Collections (CCVS)
Hosted by Dr Dominique Evrard

16h ‘‘ The incredible adventure of Monsieur de Lapérouse, worlds to explore ‘’
Lapérouse Museum in Albi
Hosted by Mr. Yves Bourgeois (Producer-director, author of films on the research of Lapérouse)
Introduction by Ms. Marie-Eve CORTES Project Director Lapérouse

17h ’’Daily life on board Lapérouse’s ships ’’
The Royal Marine Infantry Corps of
Hosted by Mr. Guillaume Contini Doctor with a degree in History

Sunday October 6, 2024

14h ‘’ Botanist-explorer ‘’
National Natural History Museum
Hosted by Ms. Agathe Haervermans and Mr. Thomas Haervermans Senior lecturer in Systematics and Evolution

3pm ‘’ Cradle of the Water Lilies ‘’
Editions CM Exceptions
Hosted by Ms. Catherine Cormery

16h ‘’ The Journey of Honey Plants ” “The acclimatization of plants has had happy consequences for our bees; we must continue our journey in the face of climate change”
The Beekeepers of Greater Paris
Hosted by Mr. Yves DARRICAU

17h ‘’ 1493, Cacti arrive in Europe with Christopher Columbus ‘’
Former University Professor of Botany and Plant Ecology
Hosted by Mr. Norbert Rebmann

Paris Botanical Garden

The Paris Botanical Garden is a collection of four sites that is home to more than 15,000 species and varieties of plants. It includes the Floral Park and the Arboretum in the Bois de , as well as the Bagatelle Park and the Jardin des Serres d’Auteuil in the Bois de Boulogne. That is to say nearly 73 hectares open to walking and discovery.

  • The Bagatelle park and its internationally renowned rose garden,
  • The Jardin des Serres d’Auteuil and its tropical landscapes,
  • The Paris Floral Park and its regional flora of Île-de-France,
  • The Paris Arboretum and its trees from temperate regions around the world.

Practical information

October 5 and 6, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Parc Floral de Paris, Route de la Pyramide, Bois de Vincennes, 75012 Paris.



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