WEATHER FRANCE What is the weather like in , this Saturday September 28?

WEATHER FRANCE What is the weather like in , this Saturday September 28?
WEATHER FRANCE What is the weather like in Gard, this Saturday September 28?

While dry conditions reign in the plains with at most a few cumulus passages, the Cévennes, notably from the Causses to the Aigoual massif, are still hung by oceanic clouds giving some light precipitation (1-3 mm). During the afternoon, the sky gradually clears over the massif, allowing a glimpse of the sun’s rays at the end of the afternoon. The following night will be clear and quite cold.

The wind blows quite strongly, intensifying in the afternoon. We expect gusts of around 50 to 60 km/h in the west of the department, 70 to 80 km/h along the Rhône and on the Causses, locally 90-100 km/h at the summit of Aigoual . It weakens in the evening and the following night in the west of the department and the Cévennes and only concerns the Rhône valley with gusts of 70 to 90 km/h still occurring.

Maximum temperatures are 20 to 22 degrees in the plains, 15 to 19 degrees in the first massifs, and 6 to 10 degrees from the Causses to Aigoual. For the following night, expect 10 to 12 degrees from the Rhône to Costières, 2 to 6°C in the sheltered plains, -1 to 1 in the Viganais valleys and on the Causses and Aigoual.



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