Seine-et-. This city will charge for the removal of illegal dumping on public roads


Eric Vanovertveld

Published on

September 27, 2024 at 8:00 p.m.

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300 tons of waste and 138 reports of illegal dumping, for a total management cost of €69,000 for the town of Savigny-le-Temple in 2023. Already 173 tonnes of waste and 42 reports for an evacuation cost of €40,000 for the year 2024. This is too much for the town of Savigny-le-Temple, which has decided to intensify the fight against illegal dumping.

I’m tired of seeing this!

Marie-Line Pichery, mayor of Savigny-le-Temple

During the municipal council meeting scheduled for Monday, September 23, a deliberation was proposed to charge for the removal of any illegal dumping in public spaces. The idea, in concrete terms, is to no longer burden the municipality’s budget with the costs incurred for public road cleaning operations.

The rehabilitation of unhealthy websites must therefore, as far as possible, be attributed financially to those responsible.

And it is not a small fine that awaits those who consider the street as an open-air dump, since the price list prepared by the City provides for an invoicing of €500 for any intervention of its services in the territory, a pricing which will apply to the perpetrators of the offenses who have been able to be identified by the municipal police. A supplement of up to 200 euros may be applied depending on the nature of the waste (household, bulky, hazardous waste, etc.) and its weight.

A decision which will not replace, moreover, the criminal sanctions (fines) already provided for by the environmental code and the penal code.

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“I’m tired of seeing that,” admits the Savignian mayor, Marie-Line Pichery. It’s ugly, and in terms of public health, it’s not ideal either. So, I know it’s not specific to Savigny-le-Temple, but at some point you have to say stop. I don’t think there was an increase after the introduction of collections by appointment, there were already illegal dumpings before that. But perhaps we also need to review our collection system. We went from weekly pickup to nothing at all. Maybe we need to revisit that. This is why I contacted the president of Greater SouthMichel Bisson, so that we can review the master plan for household waste in the urban area. Because the on-demand service, they don’t necessarily take everything. Maybe a scheduled pickup every month or every two months would be a good idea…”

Six dedicated people

Before arriving at the fines, the town of Savigny-le-Temple considers that it has done what is necessary, with town officials working on a daily basis to ensure the proper maintenance of public spaces, in addition to the interventions of the agglomeration’s service providers. Greater Paris South. Awareness campaigns on urban cleanliness are also regularly carried out, reminding everyone of the rules to respect for maintaining public spaces, and the municipal police, via the Green Brigade in particular, have reinforced the fines of offenders and made Savigniens aware of respect. of the environment.

Prevention signs have been installed, near collection points in particular ©EvO/RSM77

“We still have six people dedicated to this type of problem,” continues Marie-Line Pichery, “with three people in the Green Brigade and three in the living environment. We have also recruited a municipal police officer specializing in the environmental code, who will be there to issue fines, using cameras in particular, but also to talk to people. Because it is above all a civic problem. People themselves dirty and degrade their living environment, that’s something I don’t understand.”

Collection by appointment

Since the cessation of collection by the services of the Grand Paris Sud agglomeration, you can still have your bulky items – which must be of a volume less than or equal to 3 m3 – removed by appointment, for the pavilions and small buildings, by calling 0 800 800 408 (toll-free number).

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