Olympic Games, votive festivals… an unprecedented challenge for the security forces of Hérault

Olympic Games, votive festivals… an unprecedented challenge for the security forces of Hérault
Olympic Games, votive festivals… an unprecedented challenge for the security forces of Hérault


Lea Pippinato

Published on

Sep 21, 2024 at 10:25 AM

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This summer 2024 was marked by an unprecedented challenge for the police and authorities of Hérault. The Olympic and Paralympic Games, two of the world’s biggest sporting events, mobilized thousands of people in . For the Hérault department, this meant sending several hundred police officers and gendarmes as reinforcements to and , while the summer season was in full swing.

The prefect of Hérault, François-Xavier Lauchreturned to this “tension” during a special reception, organized this Friday September 20 : “This challenge, I think I can now say, worried us a little. Because at the same time, we had to manage the summer season, without the usual reinforcements.”

In these circumstances, Hérault had to adapt. The police force, traditionally reinforced in the summer to respond to the influx of tourists and the many local events, had to compensate for this absence with an unprecedented mobilization. “No one took any time off,” stressed the prefect, paying tribute to the police officers, gendarmes, firefighters and security personnel who ensured a busy summer season, with more than 240 local festivals spread over 624 days of festivities.

A reinforced presence despite everything

Despite the departure of many personnel to the big cities for the Olympic Games, the presence of law enforcement on the ground has not weakened. On the contrary, statistics show a significant increase in the time spent by police officers and gendarmes in public places, with a 30% increase in their presence in July and August. This increased vigilance has produced convincing results: a 32% drop in thefts and violence, a 10% decrease in burglaries, as well as an 83% reduction in assaults on public transport.

These figures contrast with a national trend that is often worrying during the summer. The only downside is the 16% increase in domestic violence, a phenomenon that continues to pose major challenges for local authorities. However, the fight against drug trafficking has been a success. 71 operations were conducted in high-risk areas, resulting in a 150% increase in the number of traffickers arrested, from 58 to 82, compared to the previous summer. This success is partly explained by the “Zero Crime” plan, launched by the Ministry of the Interior and implemented in tourist departments.

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Rave parties: constant vigilance

Another major challenge this summer for the authorities was the management of illegal rave parties. These unauthorised events, which often bring together several hundred or even thousands of people, pose serious public safety problems. However, in Hérault, the authorities have shown firmness and anticipation. Unlike in 2023, when more than 40 rave parties were recorded, only two large-scale events took place in 2024. A figure that is significantly lower.

This result can be explained by several factors. On the one hand, prefectural decrees banning these events were taken in advance. On the other hand, better coordination between the intelligence services, the police and the gendarmerie made it possible to monitor groups likely to organize these illegal gatherings. “We have been intractable on this subject and have communicated widely on our zero tolerance policy towards rave parties,” assured François-Xavier Lauch.

Forest fires: a summer under control, but not without risk

Summer in Hérault is also marked by the risk of forest fires, a danger increased by climatic conditions and drought. In 2024, nearly 1,000 fires were recorded in the department, but thanks to relatively favorable weather conditions and rapid intervention by firefighters, only 404 hectares were ravaged by the flames.

The prefect praised the responsiveness of the teams, who were able to mobilize to avoid catastrophic situations. “We were able to intervene quickly, and the preventive closure of the forest areas proved decisive in protecting the inhabitants,” he said. The Gigean fire, which burned 300 hectares, was particularly memorable. The local authorities managed to avoid potential victims by closing the risk areas to walkers.

Drownings: a heavy toll, despite the vigilance of emergency services

Although Hérault has managed to control fires and summer festivities, drownings remain a black spot of the summer. With 13 people dead, including seven at sea, five in inland waters and one in a swimming pool, the toll remains high despite the vigilance of the rescue teams. The tragedy of the Pont du Diable, where a young man lost his life this summer, particularly shook the local population.

The efforts of the Sdis lifeguards and the associations involved have nevertheless saved dozens of lives on the beaches and bathing areas. The prefect insisted on the need to further strengthen this system for the coming summer seasons, in order to best prevent these tragedies. After a summer where every day was a challenge, Hérault has held firm in the face of multiple trials. But vigilance remains essential: autumn is approaching, and with it, new challenges to overcome.

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