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Hostile reception for Bruno Le Maire in Switzerland

Hostile reception for Bruno Le Maire in Switzerland
Hostile reception for Bruno Le Maire in Switzerland

After seven years at the Ministry of Economy, Bruno Le Maire has found a way to retrain. Starting September 23, he will teach as a guest professor at the Enterprise for Society (E4S) center in Switzerland. This institute is linked to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, the University of Lausanne and the International Institute for Management Development. But the announcement of this recruitment does not seem to please everyone.

Several vehement messages were discovered on the walls of the higher education establishment, including “Bruno get lost!”, reports the Swiss media 24H. Other sentences, referring to his years in power, were tagged: “Bruno not welcome”, “Bruno Marxist of the rich” and even “Bruno Le Maire writes books about his penis and sinks the economy of his country. Is that what you want to teach us?”. This last reference is linked to his erotic book “Fugue américaine”, published in 2023.

The university has not publicly responded to these registrations. The former Bercy tenant will notably have to give courses in geopolitics and public policy. For E4S, Bruno Le Maire landed the position because of his “expertise in managing files related to decarbonization and clean energy”. In a video published on X (ex-Twitter) on September 12, the former Minister of Finance was delighted to return to “his first love, teaching”.

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