Conservative MP Michael Chong said Canada had become “a playground” for foreign interference.

Conservative MP Michael Chong said Canada had become “a playground” for foreign interference.
Conservative MP Michael Chong said Canada had become “a playground” for foreign interference.

Conservative MP Michael Chong, who had been targeted by Beijing, told the Hogue commission on Wednesday that Canada had become “a playground” for foreign interference.

Mr. Chong, who is the Conservative foreign affairs critic, said the federal government should abandon its culture of secrecy and release more information about threats to better inform the public.

The Ontario MP admits that the vast majority of information should remain secret. But he argues that if too much information is kept secret, it leads to leaks that undermine institutions.

In May 2023, the federal government confirmed a report that the Canadian intelligence service had information in 2021 that the Chinese government was looking for ways to intimidate Mr. Chong and his relatives in Hong Kong.

Global Affairs Canada said in August 2023 that it believed the MP had been the victim of a smear campaign originating abroad — the department suspected Beijing.

The ministry said a coordinated network of news accounts on the social media app WeChat posted a large number of false or misleading stories about Mr. Chong from May 4 to May 13 that year.

Current and former federal MPs who have been identified as potential victims of foreign interference will testify Wednesday before the public inquiry commission looking into the issue.

The final report of the commission, chaired by Judge Marie-Josée Hogue, is expected by the end of the year.

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