SENEGAL-POLITICS / Anticipated legislative elections: the support of “Diao 2024” for the PASTEF list (press release) – Senegalese press agency

Dakar, September 26 (APS) – El Hadji Mamadou Diao, unsuccessful candidate of the “Diao 2024” coalition in the presidential election of March 24, announced his decision to support the list which will be presented in the early legislative elections on March 17 November by PASTEF, the ruling party.

”Logically, and in accordance with its approach to rupture, the Diao 2024 coalition will vote for the PASTEF list led by its president Ousmane Sonko,” he indicated in a press release made public on Wednesday.

El Hadji Mamadou Diao explained his decision by the fact that the choice made by the Senegalese to elect Bassirou Diomaye Faye on March 24 should be reflected in the ballot boxes during the early legislative elections on November 17.

The mayor of Kolda, a town in southern Senegal, is a dissident from the Alliance for the Republic (APR of Macky Sall). He had distanced himself from his political formation following the choice made by the former Prime Minister, Amadou Ba, to be the candidate of the presidential movement in the last presidential election.

Support from the SET and ”Fepp Tawfekh” parties

An additional rallying for the benefit of the African Patriots of Senegal for work, ethics and fraternity (PASTEF) whose choice is to participate in the legislative elections under its own banner, apart from “Diomaye President”, the coalition which carried the new head of state in power.

If certain entities have already disapproved of this approach to the point of wanting to present lists in the legislative elections, others have decided to support it.

This is for example the case of the Sénégal en tête party (SET), led by Moustapha Guirassy, ​​campaign director of candidate Bassirou Diomaye Faye in the presidential election of March 24, 2024.

In a press release made public, the political party of Mr. Guirassy, ​​Minister of National Education, ”reaffirms its strategic option in the presidential movement”.

He thus declares having made the decision to actively participate in the November 17 election under the banner of PASTEF to ensure him a substantial majority in the National Assembly.

The party led by the Prime Minister also received the support of the party called Fraternity and Ethics for Progress and Prosperity (Fepp Tawfekh), whose leader, Cheikh Dieng, was recently dismissed from his position as director general of the National Office of sanitation (ONAS).

”The +Fepp Tawfekh+ decides to assume its historic responsibility in the current context by unreservedly supporting the PASTEF list in the next legislative elections and urges all of its members to fully invest in ensuring a large victory for this list’ ‘, reports a press release from this party.




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