: a municipal police officer violently hit by a reckless driver

: a municipal police officer violently hit by a reckless driver
Yvelines: a municipal police officer violently hit by a reckless driver

Tragedy this Wednesday afternoon in Chesnay, an upscale town in . A municipal police officer was violently hit at 4:40 p.m. by a hit-and-run driver in the Glatigny district, allée des lauriers. In a video that we consulted, we see the officer on foot first carried away by the motorist before his head hits the municipal police car.

He then fell back to the ground, unconscious, to the screams of his colleague, horrified by the scene. He was taken care of by the firefighters and then a team from the Smur. His life is not in danger and he was taken to the nearby Mignot hospital.

Driver arrested on ring road

According to information confirmed this Wednesday by the prosecutor’s office, the perpetrator was arrested shortly after 5:30 p.m. on the Paris ring road by agents from a security company. According to several sources, packages of narcotics were discovered in his vehicle, a rental car reported stolen. According to the very first elements of the investigation, he first tried to escape a police check, nearly knocking over a cyclist.

The news of this violent incident has caused emotion among the police force. Named William, and aged 54, the municipal police officer has been working for many years where his skills are recognised. “He’s a great guy, he’s a weapons handling instructor. He’s a true professional, respected and appreciated,” confides, dejected, a municipal police officer.



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