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Anne-Marie Ferrandez, director of Travail Béziers Courondelle: “We have decided to feminize our sponsorship system”

Anne-Marie Ferrandez, director of Travail Béziers Courondelle: “We have decided to feminize our sponsorship system”
Anne-Marie Ferrandez, director of France Travail Béziers Courondelle: “We have decided to feminize our sponsorship system”

On October 1, Travail Béziers Courondelle is launching “Marraine’Oc”, its new support system for job seekers in the area.

Can you present the new France Travail Béziers Courondelle Marraine’Oc system?
We wanted to feminize the sponsorship that already exists at France Travail at the national level. Namely, a business leader who supports a candidate, on a voluntary basis, in order to facilitate their return to sustainable employment.

By what means?
By providing its professional network and advice in its procedures. The France Travail advisor will however continue to follow the candidate. Marraine’Oc therefore offers the same system but, this time, the business leaders are only women.

Why such a choice?
We realized that our sponsorship system was reaching mostly male business leaders. Furthermore, since I am myself involved in gender equality at the departmental level at France Travail, I proposed to the women of Medef and the Zonta service club, with whom I work regularly, a partnership to become sponsors of our users.

How many female business leaders answered the call?
For the moment, about twenty, in Béziers, Biterrois, Agathois… from all professional sectors. We are also organizing the first meeting between godmothers and godchildren on October 1st, at France Travail Courondelle, around a breakfast.

Who is this device for?
To candidates of all ages facing integration difficulties, who lack personal and professional networks. These candidates may be long-term job seekers or people who have just arrived in the territory and are therefore unfamiliar with the economic fabric.

What is the program for this morning of October 1st?This will be a first contact. We wanted this friendly meeting over coffee. The godchildren will receive their follow-up book where they will already be able to set their appointments with their godmother.

And then?
The duos will have to meet at least once a month for a period of six months. A final group meeting will then take place at France Travail Courondelle to review these six months on March 11.

What do you hope for from Marraine’Oc?
I hope to remain optimistic and that all the godchildren will have found work within this time frame. It is entirely achievable.



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