Coupe de : Centre-Morbihan well represented in the 4th round

Coupe de : Centre-Morbihan well represented in the 4th round
Coupe de France: Centre-Morbihan well represented in the 4th round

Coupe de (4th round). Keriolets Pluvigner (R1) – Locminé (N2), this Saturday (6 p.m.), Taupont (D1) – Moréac (R3) and Basse-Vilaine (R3) – Bignan (R2) Sunday (3 p.m.)

Now the second club in the department, Locminé can take its neighbors, Moréac and Bignan, in its wake. Exchanges between the latter and Saint-Co remain limited. But Nicolas Girolet, CSB coach, sees good news in Locminé’s recent promotion.

“It feels good in Morbihan to find a club at this level (N2). In the sector, it’s interesting that there is a club that is a vector of positivity. This allows us to have an attraction for the territory,” confides the man who recruited a young man from Saint-Co (Ethan Ligeour) this summer. The U18 player joined the colony of former Locminois already present at the club (Kévin Le Sauce, Jonathan Le Roux, Benoît Kermorvant, Audric Dano, Gaël Le Douarin, Kévin Evain, Vincent Moisan, etc.).

A locomotive from central Morbihan

On the Moréac side, Jolann Berra and Léo Hinault will be the only ex-Locminois to be on the pitch at Taupont on Sunday. But Clément Le Texier, the coach of Garde Saint-Cyr, is optimistic about the fact that the success of Saint-Co can reflect on the neighbor. “It’s still early for us to have any impact. But if Saint-Co settles permanently in N2, it is certain that this could help clubs like ours progress. We are not at all from the perspective that young people will prefer to go there than to us. On the contrary, it is interesting to have a locomotive such as the Saint-Co and we should move towards a kind of partnership in the future, particularly at the youth level,” underlines Le Texier.



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