Sanlam launches a franchise buyback guarantee, a first in Morocco –

Sanlam innovates, in a desire to always stay as close as possible to its policyholders. By setting up a new deductible buyback guarantee, an option provided in certain insurance contracts abroad but which is arriving for the first time in Morocco, Sanlam promises its car policyholders more comfort and savings. Here are some explanations, in order to understand everything about this system where the policyholder achieves maximum comfort.

Almost zero risk

Even if you are insured, anyone may end up paying a certain amount, provided for in their insurance contract in the event of certain claims, such as at-fault accidents. This is a risk of financial expense in the event of an accident that all drivers dread. This amount corresponds to the insured’s “excess”. In particular, it allows the insured to be more responsible for their driving by encouraging them to limit their claims.

Through this new system that is the deductible buyback guarantee, Sanlam proposes to also cover this risk of unforeseen expense that is the deductible. And this, up to 2500 dirhams, twice a year. In other words, if an insured subscribes to the deductible buyback guarantee when he buys his car insurance contract, and he then has an at-fault claim, the insurance will cover both the cost of his repairs and that of his deductible if it amounts to less than 2500 dhs. In the event that his deductible is higher than this amount, the insured will only have to cover the difference between this ceiling and the amount of his deductible.

Popular with policyholders in countries where this type of guarantee is in force, the deductible buyback has several advantages. On the one hand, greater peace of mind in the event of an accident, since unforeseen financial expenses in the event of a claim are greatly reduced. On the other hand, significant savings since this guarantee only costs the policyholder a small additional amount when taking out their car insurance contract, and then saves them from paying up to 5,000 dhs per year, allowing them to pay nothing, or almost nothing, in the event of an accident.

The Company remains very concerned about the behavior of its policyholders on the road while providing them with products and services that give them confidence and peace of mind.



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