After the scandal of false signatures, six parties request a pilot test of digital collection –

After the scandal of false signatures, six parties request a pilot test of digital collection –
After the scandal of false signatures, six parties request a pilot test of digital collection –

Suspicions of fraud that allegedly took place during recent signature collections for initiatives or referendums prompted six parties to submit joint motions on Wednesday. They demand that a first attempt at digital collection at the federal level be set up.

Signing initiatives and referendums that we like directly online: until now, the majority of Parliament has opposed this, for fear that it would make data collection too easy or that data protection would not be ensured.

But with the upcoming introduction of the new electronic identity, the e-ID, adopted last week by Parliament, the situation could change.

>> Read about this: Electronic identity (e-ID) will be optional and state-run from 2026

“Safer” harvest and “simplified” verification

National Councillor Gerhard Andrey (Greens/FR) has convinced six parties – PS, Greens, PLR, The Centre, PEV, Green Liberals – to launch, via parallel motions, an offensive in favour of e-collecting, i.e. the collection of signatures electronically.

“The scandals of false signatures in recent weeks have undermined confidence in our democratic system. E-collecting would allow for a much more secure harvest. It would also greatly simplify the work of verifying the municipalities,” believes the Fribourg elected official.

>> Read again: Investigation into possible fraud in the collection of signatures for popular initiatives

Sufficient protection?

The idea: to launch a pilot project in which some of the signatures in favour of an initiative or referendum could be affixed electronically.

The liberal radicals also support the idea. While cyber attacks are increasing, they are not afraid that this data could be stolen. “The risks are the same as with the use of e-ID. We have ensured in our two Councils that the security of the system is high enough to protect our data,” reassures Zug State Councilor Mathias Michel.

>> Read also: The risks of electronic identity analyzed by specialists

“We need meetings between politicians and the people”

The SVP has a different opinion, saying that electronic signature collection is “not necessary”. “Politics is something physical. There must be meetings between politicians and the people. The discussions we have during signature collections are essential,” argues Zurich National Councillor Gregor Rutz.

A majority of parties, however, seem ready to accept a partial digitalization of democratic rights. Online harvesting and street harvesting could therefore well complement each other in the future.

>> Several parties are calling for the generalization of regulations against the paid collection of signatures: review the subject of last Sunday’s 7:30 p.m. news:

Several parties call for generalizing regulations against paid signature collection / 7:30 p.m. / 2 min. / Sunday at 7:30 p.m.

Jean-Marc Heuberger/vic



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