On September 25, discover the forests of with those who bring them to life

On September 25, discover the forests of with those who bring them to life
On September 25, discover the forests of Yvelines with those who bring them to life


Francois Desserre

Published on

Sep 18, 2024 at 7:16 AM

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How is the forest managed? Who works there and with what objectives? Answering these questions and those that everyone asks is the purpose of the operation “Tous en forêt” which returns for the 4e times on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. Co-organized by the National Forestry Office (ONF) and Île-de- nature, the event will take place in 40 forest massifs from the region.

In , there are eight sectors to discover. Starting with the state forests -d’Arcy, Marly-le-Roi, Maurepas, Port-Royal, , Saint-Germain-en-Laye and . We will also have to count on the regional forest of Verneuil.

Meeting places in Yvelines

→ Bois d’Arcy state forest at the crossroads of the half-moon.
→ Marly state forest, at the Royal crossroads, Saint-Nom-la-Brétèche.
→ Maurepas state forest, on the plateau car park, plot 29.
→ Port Royal state forest, in the Manet car park, Montigny-le-Bretonneux.
→ Rambouillet State Forest: ONF car park at Les Brulins (Etang de la Plaine Montfort-l’Amaury and Saint-Léger-en-Yvelines sector), Etang d’Or in front of Huttopia, Mares Gautier post, car park accessing Petit Etang Neuf.
→ Saint-Germain state forest: Corra pond, Canes pond, star of the nine roads, Petrons crossroads.
→ Versailles state forest, parking lot of the Minière pond.
→ Verneuil regional forest, in front of the SNCF train station, Place de la Résistance.

“The guided tours last two hours, are accessible to all types of public and are completely free.”

The National Forestry Office

Start at 2 p.m.

All issues can be addressed, such as the consequences of global warming, the protection of biodiversity, uses and sports practices authorized. Foresters will also be able to tell you about fire risks, tree cutting and hunting.
There map meeting points can be accessed here.

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