Readers’ letters: Respect for the communal will

Readers’ letters: Respect for the communal will
Readers’ letters: Respect for the communal will

At the public session on wind power in Belfaux (Freedom of September 7), Serge Boschung, head of the Energy Service, explained that the canton will impose a wind measuring mast in our country for the sake of “transparency”. On the other hand, he warned that it is not possible to install such a mast in Morat, because the site “does not meet all the criteria”. However, in the master plan, it is exactly the opposite: the Morat-Salvenach site, rated higher than that of Belfaux, meets all the criteria. It was removed… because of a “specific wind expertise”, which the canton no longer has, and which its author, Ennova, refuses to communicate!

In 2023, in front of the population of Courtepin and Misery-Courtion, State Councilor and administrator of Groupe E Olivier Curty committed to respecting the decision of the municipalities. We recall that the consultative vote was overwhelmingly negative. Subsequently, he encouraged the Grand Council to accept the proposal of Nicolas Kolly (another administrator of Groupe E) to impose measuring masts in the contested sites.

In turn, Mr. Boschung promised to respect the communal autonomy of Belfaux, although he must surely know that the canton will study the feasibility of a cantonal allocation plan, another requirement of the Kolly/Mauron mandate, a plan that would remove the right of opposition of the communes. This double talk of the canton stinks. The forest of Belfaux, however, is a place where a life-giving current blows. Let us protect it.



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