A new leader at the barracks

A new leader at the barracks
A new leader at the barracks

A A handover ceremony between Chief Warrant Officer Xavier Gouvart, descending center chief, and Chief Sergeant Thomas Puyraimond, ascending center chief, took place recently.

The outgoing chief, Chief Warrant Officer Xavier Gouvart was born on March 20, 1969 near , in the North. On July 13, 1990, he was assigned to the Ally center as a sapper 2 e class. In 2005, he took on a dual assignment, and also responded to the Pleaux center sector.

He became deputy in Ally in 1998, before becoming chief from 2001 until 2023. He remains a volunteer firefighter in Ally.

He is replaced by Staff Sergeant Thomas Puyraimond. Born on March 11, 1991, in Mauriac, he joined Ally in 2008, and had a dual assignment in Pleaux in 2009, then in Saint-Martin-Valmeroux in 2014. He took over the rescue center this year.

The Ally rescue center has nine volunteer firefighters, four women, five men, for six firefighters and corporals and three non-commissioned officers. The intervention competence of the Ally firefighters extends over four municipalities, Ally, Brageac, Chaussenac and Escorailles for a population of 979 inhabitants.

In 2023, the Ally firefighters went out 69 times, for 49 rescues, nine accidents, six fires… In the first six months of 2024, the CIS firefighters have already gone out 29 times. The rescue center has two rescue vehicles, a VPI (very versatile first intervention vehicle) and a car, in particular to supplement the neighboring centers.



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