These highlights not to be missed for the King of the Bird celebrations in Le Puy

From today, the old town of Le Puy goes back to the Renaissance. A dive into the 16th century on the occasion of the 39th edition of the Fêtes du Roi de l’Oiseau. A total immersion in the past that can be experienced intensely through highlights not to be missed until Sunday. Mark your calendars…

Renaissance Balls

In rhythm.A highlight of the festivities, the Renaissance balls attract hundreds of dancers every year, both novices and experienced. At the foot of the Crozatier museum, the grand balls of the Verveine du Velay and the Lentille will be held on Friday and Saturday from 10 p.m. in the Henri-Vinay garden. They will be hosted this year by the groups Ambraluna, the Goliards and Facia Fusta. Branles and pavanes will be the dances to master this weekend. Don’t panic for those less initiated in the steps of yesteryear, Sieur Sauret, the emblematic dance master of the Renaissance balls, will of course be there to orchestrate these two evenings of pleasure and sharing in a 16th century style. Admission: €8.

Don’t try to park in these streets of Le Puy during the Roi de l’Oiseau celebrations!

Who will be elected the most beautiful beggar?

First edition.

For the very first time, a unique show of its kind will take place at the Roi de l’Oiseau, a little before the archery competition that will designate the prince and king of this 39th edition. Meet in front of the Mochafède camp on the great lists of Breuil, Saturday at 6 p.m., for the election of the most beautiful beggar of the Renaissance Festival!
A beggar from each camp, true queens of the slums, will parade before a jury of their standard-bearers. The election will be done by applause meter and the candidates will be judged on four criteria, according to the organizers: “the most swaying gait, the most toothless smile, the most unsightly face, the most discordant song…” Come and see the most daring women of the Velay region parade!

What will be the highlights of this 39th edition of the Roi de l’Oiseau in Puy-en-Velay?

Life-size painting and flashmob


The term is anachronistic, but it reflects well this animation not to be missed, Saturday at 3 p.m. One of the most famous paintings by Pieter Brueghel, The Carrying of the Cross, will be reconstructed life-size. “Meet at the covered market square for a giant flashmob in 16th century costume. The actors of the different associations of the Roi de l’Oiseau will join forces to produce this collective work in a totally orderly way, but unexpected for the public”, announces Jean-Louis Roqueplan, artistic director.


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The Parades of the Bird King

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The traditional opening ceremony of the festivities will begin today, at 6:45 p.m., at the foot of the cathedral with representatives of all the stakeholders of the festivities. They will then go in procession to the main arena of the Place du Breuil, the venue for the official opening ceremony of this edition, at 8 p.m.
On Sunday, at 4pm, still starting from the cathedral, the grand closing parade will parade through the streets of the old town. This unmissable event will bring together thousands of costumes and dozens of groups of acrobats… A convoy in the presence of the crowned heads of this 39th edition!

Unpublished show

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Specially created around the theme of this 39th edition, Le tableau prodigieux can be discovered at the Pierre-Cardinal center. “We buy shows, but we also create some,” says Jean-Louis Roqueplan, artistic director. A young marvel showman and his assistant travel the kingdom to show a painting with strange powers, because it only makes itself visible to the eyes of the most intelligent beings… “It is a comic farce strongly inspired by 16th century Spanish theater and the work Altarpiece of Wonders by Cervantes,” says Jean-Louis Roqueplan, who wrote and directed. Thursday at 8:30 p.m., Friday at 6 and 9 p.m. and Saturday at 3, 6 and 9 p.m. Prices: €10, reduced €7.

Nathan Marliac



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