Things are not going well at Karell’s (Love is in the meadow 2024)! One of his suitors leaves the farm (SPOILER)

Things are not going well at Karell’s (Love is in the meadow 2024)! One of his suitors leaves the farm (SPOILER)
Things are not going well at Karell’s (Love is in the meadow 2024)! One of his suitors leaves the farm (SPOILER)

At 41 years old, Karell hopes to finally find the right life partner. But the task is proving difficult for the very independent farmer who has a hard time letting go. This was seen with the arrival of her suitors, Alexander and Claudeat home. Indeed, Karell has proven that she struggles with seduction. A situation that will cause problems at the farm.

Because as announced in the teaser of the episode posted online in advance on the 6Play platform, one of his suitors will leave the adventure.Our paths separate and that’s it“, we first see Karell declare to the cameras. And later adding: “Out of the blue, he decides to leave, he leaves“. The candidate’s car is then filmed leaving the farm.

Karell cooled by Alexandre

However, it is still impossible to know what happened and who, Claude or Alexandre, reached saturation. However, we know that things did not start off very well between Karell and Alexandre. Indeed, these two have already had a tense conversation after he tried to make her understand that she needed to open up to him. A remark that had upset the breeder.You shouldn’t rush me too much because I don’t know you, we don’t know each other, I need to know who you are, to observe you and I can’t tell you the second day that I’m falling in love, I don’t have that personality, nor that ability, I need time“, she had confided to him. Karell later appeared cooled by this exchange: “I didn’t expect that, I felt a bit cornered, it’s the first day we spend together so it’s a bit brutal.”

On the other hand, Claude highlighted more positive points.Claude is considerate, he watches, he is attentive, he asks me how to do it, he has a very very different behavior from Alex. With Claude, there are little glances, it remains subtle but I am attentive to that too. I had this feeling at speed-dating and it is confirmed“, Karell had admitted. So, has the trend reversed or has the situation with Alexandre worsened? Answer soon…



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