Fashion: Adopt the “preppy” look, ultra trendy this fall

Fashion: Adopt the “preppy” look, ultra trendy this fall
Fashion: Adopt the “preppy” look, ultra trendy this fall

Who says new school year, says new trends to present to friends and/or colleagues. And this year again, these latest ones amaze.

Starting with the “preppy” look, whose name is derived from “prep school”. The idea is to take inspiration from the outfits of American students, in uniform, from the 60s. On the menu therefore, skirt, shirt, blazer jacket, cardigan for women, with brooches or even a headband to dress up the look. On the men’s side, shirt, polo shirt or even vest dress the most trendy. This look can be associated with the BCBG style (good chic good genre), seen in particular in American teen series, “Gossip Girl” is a perfect example.

In the same style, we start the school year again with tailored sets, always at the cutting edge of fashion. It is also the return of vests, cape coats. “The more oversized they are, the better,” says Adélaïde Dubucq, a stylist in Luxembourg.

In terms of colours, there is plenty of choice to brighten up the long autumn evenings. Burgundy, dark blue and dark colours are making a comeback, with brown at the forefront. Good news for the most economical and environmentally friendly, there is no need to put away the pastel and brightly coloured clothes from spring, they can be worn again. “We usually keep them for the summer, it’s a bit of a novelty this fall!” says Adélaïde.

On the men’s side, “the minimalist trend remains omnipresent like other seasons,” says Adélaïde Dubucq. Sober colors such as beige, gray, black are taking their back-to-school wardrobe by storm.

Another style remains trendy for this fall, bohemian for men and women: fringes, leather, long skirts and dresses, total denim look, suede. In terms of accessories, women are betting on loafers, strappy ballerinas and the eternal boots. For men, cowboy boots and handbags seem to be unanimous on the catwalks. But will we dare to wear them in everyday life?

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