Pauline Bayle: “I aspired to belong to the world of Lost Illusions”

Pauline Bayle: “I aspired to belong to the world of Lost Illusions”
Pauline Bayle: “I aspired to belong to the world of Lost Illusions”

Pauline Bayle’s new creation Lost Illusionsadapted from Balzac’s novel, at the Atelier theater () until October 6will be on tour in Geneva, Sablé-sur-, and this season.

Excerpts broadcast:
We hear an excerpt from the Freedmen (1990), a film directed by Martin Scorsese that inspired Pauline Bayle with its depiction of the underworld. The voice of György Lukács recorded in 1970 then reaches our ears; the Hungarian philosopher published the essay Balzac and French Realism in 1999. Pauline Bayle is in the habit of listening to Bach while working, music in which she finds the perfect balance between precision, rigor and emotion; we therefore hear an extract from the Passion according to Saint Johnby the Norwegian Baroque Orchestra, conducted by Julian Podger, with the voice of mezzo-soprano Catherine King. The work of the director of the Théâtre public de , who staged theOrfeo Monteverdi’s 2021 opera — from which we hear an excerpt by the Concert des Nations conducted by Jordi Savall, with mezzo-soprano Lucia Mancini — also presents many porosity with the world of opera: Pauline Bayle will participate in the creation in 2025 7 minutes by Giorgio Battistelli at the Opera. Finally, Alain Françon, one of Pauline Bayle’s references in terms of staging, is interviewed by Savannah Macé in 2018.

Guest’s musical choice:
Pauline Bayle makes us listen Crush by Bonnie Banane, an artist with whom she was at the Conservatory.

Guest Discovery:
Director Pauline Bayle discovered Nelly Kaplan’s film over a year ago during a retrospective The Pirate’s Bride (1969). Bernadette Lafon plays a “female character who lives on the fringes and will not fall into line“.

Musical programming:
Clara Yse – The Kings of Despair
Time – Burning



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